Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Here's some fun for the day......

What is the world’s fastest dog?

Q:  Why are all the frogs around here dead?
A:  Because they keep croaking.

God’s delays are not necessarily God’s denials.   We have to learn that there is a big difference between ‘no’ and ‘not yet’.

“Housework can’t kill you but why take a chance.”
(Phyllis Diller)

I was pondering on sleepytime routines the other day.  We all have them.  You know, things like whether or not we need noise to go to sleep.  I’m a ‘noiser’ as I call it.   Silence drives me crazy when I’m trying to go to sleep.  There’s lots of options for the ‘noisers’ of the world.   Fans, television, music, someone humming the theme song to “Friends”....ok, maybe not that last one.   My noise of choice is a Humidifier.  I can make it soft, or I can crank it up to sound like an airplane is flying in the room.   Growing up, I would listen to my radio.  My selection of choice was “Mystery theater”.   I had one of those ‘first’ digital radio clocks.  The type where the numbers flipped down each minute.  I always liked the sound of the numbers flipping too.   If you are too young to know what I’m talking about, google ‘flip clock’.  I also used to have to leave my door open just slightly so a little bit of light could come in.  Or have a nightlight.   I’m not as beholden to the door open now and I’m the opposite on the light.   I need it pitch black and cover up my alarm clock so that light is covered.  Hotel rooms can drive one crazy because you can never seem to get those curtains completely closed and there’s that little crack of light coming in.  It can drive those that like total darkness crazy.  (that’s where sleep masks come in handy)  Last , but not least,  I have to have chapstick, lotion, and water on the night stand.  Those are must-haves nowadays.  So ponder a moment today on your own sleepytime routines.  Here’s hoping that everyone has a great night’s sleep and as “Motel 6” likes to say.....‘we’ll leave the light on for ya’.......( or turn it off....depending on your preference)
The Greyhound
Until next time.....

1 comment:

  1. You are bringing old memories back I love it Mom
