Thursday, April 4, 2013


Here’s some fun for the day....

TRIVIA:  (Answer below)
How many lords are leaping in the “Twelve Days of Christmas” song?

Q:  What do you give a sick bird?
A:  Tweetment.

Hope does not prevent us from expecting difficulties.  The difficulties are what the hopeful are prepared for.

“You know you’re old if they’ve discontinued your blood type”
(Phyllis Diller)

A few weeks ago I talked about having a new type of Casual Friday.   Typically, a Casual Friday involves dressing more casual to work.   I previously suggested having Casual Friday become a day you talked casual.   So instead of saying to someone ‘Hello.  What are you doing.  Are you alright today?’  You would say “wassup? Ite?”.   I thought of another Casual Friday.   Casual Body Language Friday.   This could alternate with Casual Talk Friday.   So on Casual Body Language Friday, everyone would mosey along kind of slumped & lazy to wherever they are going.   When you drive, you drive with only one hand on the wheel & the other needs to all limp like it’s asleep.   Or if it’s a pretty day, it hangs out the window in a slouchy way.   Maybe on CBLF ( abbreviation) we all hang our heads out the car windows like dogs do.   This is for drivers & passengers.  Wouldn’t that be a sight driving around town.   On CBLF, you would lay your head & shoulders on the table at any restaurants or coffee shops you visited.   Only raising your head slightly to take a bite or a sip.   You must continue this look when you are at your work desk.   So be practicing now how to type on your computer with your head on your desk.   I just tried it.  It’s a little tricky, so I think you’ll have to learn to type with one hand if you’re to keep your head on the desk.  Once again, imagine the scene in your mind at restaurants & offices.  I’m liking it.  If you go to the movies on CBLF, you must sink into the seat & put both feet on the seat in front of you.   Good posture on this day is not allowed.   Last, but not least of course, if CBLF when you go to the grocery.   Your head & arms must hang into the front part of the cart & you’ll push the cart with your upper body.  I haven’t tried this yet, so I’ll give it a whirl today.  This may concern a few people at Kroger since CBLF has not reached the masses yet.   Now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure that CBLF needs to be combined with Casual Talk Friday.   That way, when someone sees me pushing my shopping cart in the casual manner & they appear concerned, I can tell them to not to worry, that I’m am perfectly alright.  In other words  “ Chillax....I’m Ite”  


Until next time..........

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