Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Here's some fun for the day......

TRIVIA: (Answer below)
Where in London are the crown jewels kept?

Q:  What instructions did Noah give his sons about fishing off the ark?
A:  Go easy on the bait, boys.  I only have 2 worms

Many God-ordained dreams die because we aren’t willing to do something that seems illogical.

“Here’s something to think about.  How come you never see the headline “Psychic wins lottery”?
(Jay Leno)

One of the perks of being a kid is the ability to feel that you can conquer and do anything.   The cynicism of the world has yet to set in.  Children live in a world of limitless possibilities.   When asked what they want to be when they grow up, they'll often answer with ‘movie star’, ‘superhero’, ‘princess’, ‘sports star’ and the like.  It seems that as we grow older, our list definitely changes.    

When I was in kindergarten, I thought I could do anything, as the following story shows.  It was the early 1970’s, & my mom had this huge brown Cadillac.  I’m not sure how it fit in the garage quite frankly.  One day, after she picked me up from kindergarten, she pulled into the neighbor’s driveway before we went home.   She was popping in quickly to pick something up & I stayed in the car while she ran in.  While she was inside, the car started rolling down the driveway.  I was concerned for my Mom's car.  Whenever I watched TV shows as a kid, it seemed that anytime a car hit something it blew up.  I didn’t realize this wasn’t the case.   

I was very tiny & skinny when I was 5 yrs. old & this car was very big.  As the car was rolling back, I thought to myself.  “I must save Mom’s car”.  So, I got out of the car, got behind it & tried to push it up the driveway.  Never thinking for a moment it couldn’t be done.  Needless to say, the car knocked me down & ran over me.   I still vividly remember the first set of tires rolling over me and thinking hey...I made it!& then waiting quietly for the next set to roll over me.   Not sure why I didn’t try to move, but it was the right thing to do.  Once the car was in the street, I looked up & was happy to see it hadn’t hit anything & blown up.  Then, I thought ‘wow, how cool.  I just got run over by a car!”.  I couldn’t wait to run in & tell my mom.  I was imagining my story as I was going up the sidewalk to the house.   I walked in....ready with my glorious tale.....& then mom looked at me & screamed.   I thought....‘how’d she know?”   Turns out I had a tire track across my shirt.  

So, I guess it’s not always great to think you can do anything, but most times, it’s a pretty good attitude to take.   The childlike attitudes of curiosity, playfulness, eagerness & yes.....fearlessness....seem to often get defeated with time.   What limits are we putting on ourselves as adults?   How often do we think ‘what if I fail?’, ‘this is crazy’, ‘it can’t be done’?   In the book of Matthew, Jesus talks to the disciples about changing & becoming like children.   It’s good advice for all of us.   Doesn’t mean we have to try to push a car up the driveway, but it is pretty cool to at least ‘think’ we can.

The Tower of London

Until next time....

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