Thursday, April 18, 2013


Here's some fun for the day.......

TRIVIA:  (Answer below)
Who created James Bond?

Henry:  Do you love me Gladys?
Gladys:  Yes Henry.
Henry:  Would you be willing to live on my income?
Gladys:  Yes, if you’ll get another one for yourself.

The praise of people is fickle & short-lived.  We should be more concerned about God’s eternal acceptance than the temporary approval of others.

“When I played in the sandbox, the cat kept covering me up.”
(Rodney Dangerfield)

Travel & getting ‘to there from here’ has definitely changed over time.   When I went on trips as a kid, we used the big Atlas map to get directions to our destination.  I also remember we would frequently stop at gas stations & ask for directions.   That was nice when they knew specifics.  Tricky when they would give directions only using local landmarks.   You know, stuff like:   “ go by Mabel’s diner and turn left.  Then when you see Hank Yancy’s farm, you’ll veer right until you get to Joe’s Walter’s Hardware store”.   
As time progressed, we would go to AAA & get these flip map things where the travel person had highlighted the entire trip of how we were to go.   Every turn & interstate & off road were highlighted with a green highlighter.  I remember being fascinated by this. I think this must have been the first GPS.    
Eventually Mapquest came along & now lots of people have a GPS in their car.   If you have one, have you given yours a name?  Mine is ‘Dora’ as in Dora the Explorer.   I changed her accent to British just for kicks.  My husband changed the voice of his GPS to a man because he didn’t want a woman telling him what to do.   Haha.  We were on a trip to D.C. once with some friends & they got quite the chuckle watching him argue with the GPS lady. (It was theirs, not his, hence the lady)   I’ll give my hub credit though.  The GPS was taking us to the Iwo Jima Monument by way of Idaho (ok, slight exaggeration)  The monument was directly to our left & we just had to turn into it.   Most case scenarios though, we would frequently be lost without the GPS.  I know for sure that I would be.

I think a GPS is a good analogy in our relationship with God.  You may have heard something to that affect over time.   Life's GPS is God’s Protection System.   How many times in our daily journey do we need some ‘recalculating’?  Times when we choose the wrong road or take the wrong turn?  Times when we get distracted by the side roads that take us off the correct path.  God lays the intended direction out for us, even highlights it for us like the old AAA flipbooks, but often we think we know better & choose our own way.   When we do that, we end up lost.   Luckily for us, God is the Master of Recalculation, and if we’ll just listen to Him, He will get us back on course.

Ian Fleming
Until next time......

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