Tuesday, April 2, 2013

THE "B's"

Here's some fun for the day......

TRIVIA:  (Answer below)
In Shakespeare's "Romeo & Juliet", what is Romeo's surname?

Q:  Why did the skeleton go to the party alone?
A:   Because he had no body to go with

How we feel is a result of what we focus on.
“Better not take a dog on the space shuttle, because if he sticks his head out when you're coming home his face might burn up”
(Jack Handey)
I was thinking back to a 1st grade experience.  My childhood friend & best friend in 1st grade was Betsy.  We became friends when we were both 1-year olds.  This particular memory I was pondering was about the day we learned to write our “B’s”.   There was this lined paper we had back in those days.   It was grayish with solid lines & dotted lines for writing your alphabet.  Betsy’s pencils were always sharp & neat.  Mine were those fat pencils that smeared.  Both of us had extra reason to need to learn our “B’s” because her 1st name started with “B” & my last name did.  She did a perfect job.  Hers were all thin & perfect “B’s”.   I kept messing mine up & erasing my paper with my fat pencil’s eraser.   It wasn’t a clean erase, it was all smeared.   Plus, for those of you familiar with this paper, it kind of shredded it too.  Betsy also had a perfect crayon box with perfect pointy crayons that never dulled.   Mine were nubs that when I colored the paper scratched what I was coloring.  I’d have to peel my paper continuously.  Well, I cracked.  I was alway ‘Little Miss Rule Follower’, but not on this “B” day.   Betsy took a break to go to the restroom.   Her perfect “B’s” & pointy crayons were dancing like sugar plums in my head.  Not the sweet Christmas story ones, but crazy ones that taunt you & pound on your brain with sugar plum B-shaped mallets.  While Betsy was in the restroom, I looked at those perfect crayons & the perfect box that had no crayon marks on it & I reached in & broke every one of them in half.   Then when she came back I was acting innocent with my fat pencil working on my “B’s”.   Needless to say she figured it out & I got in trouble with the teacher & my parents.   Betsy & I are still friends today.  She holds a special place because no one has been my friend for longer & she was a huge part of my childhood.   There’s not a long list of who I can share little kid/childhood memories with and I’m thankful that Betsy is a part of those memories.   I’m sure you’ll be hearing more about Betsy as well as some of my other childhood friends.  (more recently met friends too)  For today.....here’s to ya’ Betsy.  Love you my friend.

Until next time.......

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