Sunday, May 19, 2013

RIGHT vs RIGHT: What's really important?

Here's some fun for the day....

TRIVIA:  (Answer below)
Which side of the book are the even-numbered pages usually located on?

Q:  How did the barber win the race?
A:  He knew a short cut.

The only time I enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.
(Phyllis Diller)

When the basic necessities of life are being provided, be thankful.  Everything over and above is an extra blessing.

I heard a saying a few years back that has stuck with me and I think it’s pretty wise.  It involves conflict and an examination of what’s really important in life.  The saying is: “Right vs. Right”.   Basically, whenever you’re involved in a dispute, whether it be friends, family or business, you remind yourself of “Right vs. Right”.   Is it more important to be right, as in correct.  Or, is it more important for the relationship to be ‘right’ with the person you’re having the dispute with.   Some of the disagreements we can have are over some pretty trivial things.   They can spiral out of hand and grow into something larger with the need to prove someone wrong.  When this happens, it can cause a rift in a relationship, or at the very least, chip away at it over time.    This doesn’t mean that you never argue, or that you become a doormat.   I think it mainly means you don’t bury your feet in the sand and be determined to be right no matter what.   You don’t let ‘being right’ and chalking up another ‘victory’ become what’s important.   The relationship is what is important.   Keeping it ‘right’ is what important.   Too often we become sidetracked by a desire to be correct and often over things that don’t really matter in the grand scheme of things.

Next time you’re in a disagreement, examine your motive of why you’re persisting with your point.   If it’s a legitimate point that needs to be made, then that’s justified.   But if the need to get the credit is a form of self-approval, ego-stroking or a chance to feel superior.....then take a moment.....stop.....breathe.....and repeat  ‘right vs. right’.  
Remind yourself that relationships are more important than being able to prove that someone else is wrong.


Until next time......

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