Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Here's some fun for the day......

What does I.Q. stand for? (answer at bottom)

PHRASE FUN (what is a rhyming phrase for the following.  Answer at bottom)

Intoxicated smelly mammal

Q:  What is a grumpy person's blood type?
A:  B-negative

"I bought some instant water one time, but I didn't know what to add to it."
(Steven Wright)

No matter what you do, God's love never gives up.  It's wide enough to include everybody and it's long enough to last forever.



I've always been a shy person in social settings.   Some people find this surprising because I love to entertain on a stage and be in front of people performing skits and comedies, but I'm shy with personal interactions.   I think this may be the norm though for introverts.   I've improved over the years.   My husband is quite social and so I think some of that has rubbed off on me over the years.   I don't panic quite as much now in social settings.

I thought about this recently in regards to airplane travel.   Most usually I'm sitting with someone I know, but every now and then I'm by a stranger.    This used to be major panic mode for me, but not as much now.    I do try and send out my 'I'm not a talker vibe' when I sit down.   The first way you do this is when you sit down or they sit down you either don't look at them or if you do, you just verbal nod and don't speak.   The second tip is to have a book.   Whether you read it or not, put your nose in a book and you're good to go.   For the social types, this really isn't us being unfriendly, it's just difficult to be outgoing and chatty when you're shy.   I understand if it comes across as rude, but that's really not our way or intent.   I've often said that I think the shy types can understand the social types more than the 'socials' understanding the 'shys'.   Socials think 'why can't you just's easy'.   Not necessarily so.

On my most recent trip on an airplane I was seated in the 2-seat scenario with a stranger.  I think it's more difficult to sit with a stranger in the 2-seat scenario than the 3-seat deal.   I started off well, I had my book out and reading.  Then I made a colossal mistake for a nonsocial type.   I put my book away and got out my needlepoint.   Major conversation starter there.   I had a feeling it might be and wondered if I should get it out.    Well, once the needlepoint was out the conversation with the stranger next to me began.   Actually, it wasn't too bad and pretty interesting.   The problem is, once you start the conversation with the person in the seat next to you, you sort of feel like you have to keep it going the entire time you're flying or it gets awkward.     Before you know it, you're finding out shoe sizes and favorite foods just to continue talking.   Thankfully, I wasn't on a flight to Australia and it was only about an hour of the chit chat.   It was pleasant.    Isn't it strange how you can have a conversation with someone and get to know them briefly and the realize you will most likely never see this person again?  Then you wonder what the rest of their life will entail.  

On another note.   I wanted to share a humorous tidbit my niece told me on this last trip we took.   She recently flew to Ireland, so not an overly short flight.   She had a primo aisle seat and was all ready for her flight.    She was in the 3-seat set up.    The window person was already in place and the middle person had yet to arrive.    My niece was already in place in her aisle seat.   She was looking at something and not paying attention when 'middle-seat lady' arrived.   She said to my niece 'if you want to just scoot over I'll sit here and you won't have to get out into the aisle to let me in'.   Not paying attention, my niece scooted over to the dreaded middle seat.....on a trip to Ireland.  Ah!  What a rookie mistake and how slick of the original middle-seater.    My niece was then relegated to the middle seat for a trip to Ireland when she was actually an aisle woman.   She was quite annoyed with her mistake.   I would have been going crazy.  Well, here's to friendly skies.....or not so friendly.....depending on who you sit by.

Intelligence Quotient

Drunk Skunk

Until next time........

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