Sunday, June 16, 2013


I've been on vacation & the Tidbits went on vacation with me.    The Tidbits are back.

Here's some fun for the day.....

TRIVIA: (Answer below)
What was the name of Doc Brown's dog in 'Back to the Future?'


Q:  why did the chicken cross the playground?
A:  to get to the other slide. 

'I feel about airplanes the way I feel about diets.  It seems to me they are wonderful things for other people to go on.'
Jean Kerr


Sometimes we get so busy getting more that we don't enjoy what we have

I traveled this past week through airports and on airplanes & lots of thoughts and observations came to my mind.   

First, I thought of the general evolution on airplanes & airports.    Those that traveled on airplanes many years ago know that there was a time when you could sit in an airplane seat & not have your knees touch your nose and your shoulders practically meeting your nose and your knees in the middle.    Ah, the good ole days of leg room and not swapping arm skin with the people sitting next to you.   

There is also the change in flight meals.   There used to be a tray of food with a salad and main course and bread.   Sure, the bread was so hard it could be used as a hockey puck, but cool to have all that food.   I was always obsessed with the little salt & pepper shakers.   Eventually the tray of food changed to a sandwich & chips.   That briefly became a bag you picked out of a bin with a smaller sandwich & apple.   

The snacks have pretty much always been peanuts , pretzels & the classic Biscoff cookies that only taste good on a plane.   If you try them once you exit the airplane they just don't taste the same.  The peanut packages have gotten smaller.   They used to be the size of a playing card.   Now they are about the size of a salt packet from McDonald's.  

Next is the evolution of the airport.   No longer are there rows of pay phones.   Those have been replaced by charge stations for all our techy gadgets.   You don't see as many people playing a quick game of cards or reading paper books as you used to.  Now most people have their faces buried in cellphones, Kindles & iPods.   Not a lot of conversation going on.    On a side note in regards to the pay phones.   I've always been a stressor in regards to time.   When my parents, brother & I would fly for vacations, my Dad would always get a kick saying he had to go make a phone call right as our plane was getting ready to board.   He'd go to the  phones.   Not sure how many of those calls we're real or fake just to tease me.  

Airport bathrooms are hi-tech now like many public restrooms are.   The automatic sinks, soap and towels.   They may say it's because of germs, but I think it's because so many people don't know how to turn a faucet off.   I guess they know, they just don't do it.   The automatic stuff and I don't get along well.   I can't get them to turn on and I end up frustrated waving my hands like a spaz trying to get them to turn on.   Seems like when I move away from them they decide to turn on.   I run back to put my hands under them and they turn off again.   I think they like to taunt me.  I can almost hear them saying 'psych!'  I like automatic paper towels though.   Those old time cloth towel machines always grossed me out.   I felt like the towel was just going in a circle and everyone was reusing the same cloth.  I'm not a fan of the air dryers.   The old ones don't dry and the new ones blow me to the other side of the restroom.

On the automatic toilets, well we won't go into that.  I will say it would be funny to put an automatic whistle in as part of the toilet and have it randomly saying something.   Think of how people would be freaking out when they go to sit down on the toilet & hear a whistle.   Or maybe a voice that says 'please deposit into the toilet and not on the rim.'   Or 'sheeewww're killin' me!"   Imagine hearing all of the toilet chatter that would be going on in the airport restroom each time you visit it.  Ok, now that could be fun.   

On a similar note: 
Take a look at this Delta Airlines Safety video.   My daughter, nieces and I crack up every time we've seen it.   Check it out at around 1:46 in when they talk about smoking. We've always watched intently for that part.   It's Academy Award winning acting....NOT
Also, the redhead that does most of the talking is awfully 'come-hither' for a flight security video.


Until next time......

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