Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Here's some fun for the day..........


Q:  Did you hear the one about the Liberty Bell?
A:  Yeah, it cracked me up.

Q:  What would you get if you crossed George Washington with cattle feed?
A:  The Fodder of our Country.

Q:  What did one flag say to the other flag?
A:  Nothing.  It just waved.

Q:  What would you get if you crossed a patriot with a curly-haired dog?
A:  Yankee Poodle

Q:  What did King George think of the the American Colonists?
A:  He thought they were 'revolting'.


INDEPENDENCE DAY TRIVIA:  (answers below picture)

1.  What is another name for Independence  Day?
     a.  July 4
     b.  the day after July 3
     c.  the day before July 5
     d.  fourth day of July
     e.   All of the above

2.  Which individual was given the task of writing the first draft of the Declaration of Independence?

3.  How many people signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4?

4.  What year did July 4 become a federal holiday?

5.  What U.S. President was famous for playing golf every July 4?

6.  What animal did Benjamin Franklin want to be our national animal instead of the bald eagle?

7.  Who was the only  U.S. President born on July 4?

8.  What was the phrase that represented the major objection the Colonists had against being ruled by Britain?

9.  What date was the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence?  Who read it?

10.  What are the first 7 words of the Declaration of Independence?

1.  e  
2.  Thomas Jefferson
3.  2;  John Hancock and Charles Thomson.    The rest signed at a later date with the majority being on August 5, 1776
4.  1870
5.  Dwight D. Eisenhower
6.  Turkey
7.  Calvin Coolidge
8.  'taxation without representation'
9.  July 9, 1776;  Colonel John Nixon
10.  'When in the Course of Human events...'

Until next time.........

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THIS! If you’re interested in more Independence Day trivia, I have a quiz on my blog. Stop by www.weartostandout.com/blog/independence-day-quiz and let me know how you did. xoxo, WearToStandOut
