Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Here's some fun for the day.........

TRIVIA:  (answer below)
What area of the Atlantic is said to be responsible for the disappearance of ships and aircraft?

What is it that you break every time you say it? 

Q:  what did the leg bone say to the foot?
A:  stick with me and you'll go places. 

Who is the taste tester for 'improved flavor' dog food?


Learn to enjoy where you are on the way to where you are going.


I thought I'd take a moment to reminisce on some classic board games.   Once I started googling pictures of them I got very excited.   There's so many I'd forgotten about that I grew up with.   I decided this will have to be a multi-part post.  There's too many good games to put them all in one.  I'll look at 4 games each time.   This will be part 1 with the other parts showing up in the future.   I know there are games that may be more 'classic' than the first ones I've chosen, but I started with these because I played them so often and they were special to me.   There are many others I played with a lot too & they'll show up in futures posts. 


SORRY (original trademark 1929)

This is one of my favorites.  Easy to learn and to play and not too complicated.   There's nothing like that moment when you get your man out of start & then you draw the 'backwards 4' card & you've managed to miss having to go around the board & your almost home.   There's also the '11' card when you switch places with an opponent which can be a fun one.   Always makes them mad when they are almost home.   

Then there's the 'Sorry' card.   You get a man out & send another one home.   To add a little fun to that you get a bell and ring it & say 'soooorrrryyy'.    This always makes me think of the Carol Burnett skit where Mama, Ed & Eunice play 'Sorry'.   A classic and so funny.   They play with dice in that one, but my board is the card version.  

EASY MONEY (introduced by Milton Bradley in 1935)

I'm not sure many people know this one, but it was a favorite that my brother and I played all the time.   It's kind of like Monopoly but it doesn't take 28 hours to play like Monopoly does.   I made up a song that I would sing to this one when I was little.   I still know the tune, sadly I can't send the tune through the blog.  "Easy Money, jumpin' all around, first your there & then your not...jumpin all around.....".  It really had nothing to do with the game though.  Easy Money had 'Give-or-Take' cards and dice.   The thing with this game ( and Monopoly too) is that I think it's more fun as a kid than an adult.   Mortgages and taxes aren't my idea of festiveness as an adult.

OPERATION. ( introduced by Milton Bradley in 1965)

What a test of nerves & steady hands this game is.   When those tweezers touch the sides....Ahhhhh!   That dang buzzer and the red nose.   There's 2 sets of cards for this game, the 'Specialist & Doctor'.  For those who haven't played for awhile & want a walk down memory lane, here's a list of the 'parts'.   They are:  Adam's Apple, Broken Heart ( that was a tough one),  Wrenched Ankle, Spare ribs, Water on the Knee (pail of water), Funny Bone, Charley Horse ( horse near hip joint), Writer's Cramp (pencil near forearm), Ankle Bone connected to the Knee Bone ( not a plastic piece but a rubber band stretched between 2 pegs.  Kind of easy if I remember correctly), Wish Bone ( left side of chest), Bread Basket ( located near stomach.  'breadbasket' is slang for stomach), Brain Freeze ( ice cream cone located in the brain)    

Great game and lots of fun memories playing it.  My brother would always make some kind of noise or wild motion right as I'd almost get ahold of a part so that I'd jump and touch the metal part with the tweezers & lose my turn.   I was an easy target. 

GREEN GHOST ( originally made in 1965)

I will usually include a spooky game in my game list because those were my favorites for some odd reason and I had a bunch of them.   I'm sure they are not as well known though.  I was just an odd duck.   Green Ghost was my favorite of the spooky games.   You played it in the dark becuase it glowed in the dark & was on 'stilts' so it was about 6 inches off the ground.  How cool is that?  

My friend Betsy and I played this one all the time.   Your spinner was a Green ghost (imagine that) and it made this loud spinning noise.  There were all kinds of spooky trees & such.   There were 3 'pits' covered by trapdoors that you opened with keys.   The pits contained plastic bones, bat feathers & rubber snakes.   I made up a song for this game.   I had a toy guitar and would sing this for Betsy whenever we played.   The cool part of the song was when I would sing green ghost & strum it on the guitar.    I won't do the entire song because it was long, but for Bets I'll do the first part

" I was walking down the street & I saw a green.....ghost....green, green, green ghost.....and I started to run...."   (I'm pretty sure Betsy may still know the next part. )

That's part 1 of the walk down board game memory lane.   More installments to come in the future.   Apps & iPads and all that jazz are fun, but nothing beats a classic board game & the memories they bring.   

the Bermuda Triangle. 


Until next time.....

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