Sunday, September 22, 2013


Here's some fun for the day.........

TRIVIA:  (Answer below)
What is a majordomo?   (not to be confused with major dumbo)

BRAIN TEASER:  (Answer below)
If you have it you want to share it.  If you share it you don't have it.  What is it?

Q:  Why does a dragon sleep all day?
A:  So he can hung knights.

Do Roman paramedics refer to IV's as '4's'?


He who laughs....lasts.   Learn to laugh at yourself, put some play in every day, relax, chill out and have some fun.


I'm a big fan of things from the 70's.  That's the decade in which I was a kid growing up and I love looking back at the products, fads and such.    As I started on this one I was overwhelmed with memories of toys and fads.   There's only 7 things on this list, but there will be more in the future.    Too much to put in one post.   I'll also look at other decades in future posts as well.

Here we go........( these are in no particular order)

1.  Mood Rings

I remember vividly when these came out and was so excited.   I couldn't wait for the ring to tell me what mood I'm in.   How funny.  It's like I couldn't tell or didn't know without the ring?     The mood ring was created in 1975.   It really worked more on your body temperature than your actual mood.    Good thing since my ring was always black which means tense and nervous.   I'm always cold and so my ring was always black.   But hey, it's not like I'm not a nervous sort so......who knows.....maybe the ring knew.

2.  Rubik's Cube

I can't say that I played with this one much.   I tried, but I'd get so frustrated at it I'd want to throw it across the room.    The Rubik's cube was invented in 1974.   The goal was to get all the colors together on one side like the picture below.   I got mine like that once.   It was when I bought it from the store.   Once I started working on it I never saw it that way again.  

3.  Pet Rock

Oh my word.   All of us that had one of these should have a rock thrown at our head for being such dopes.    I paid money for a rock.   What a blockhead.   There were plenty in my back yard and I had to have the 'pet' one.   Talk about your marketing gig and selling people something they obviously don't need.   This was invented (if you can say that) in 1975.   Actually, some guy named Gary Dahl thought 'hey, people are dumb enough, let's sell them a rock'.     Turns out the fad only lasted about a year because eventually we all woke up and got a clue.     Hey.....I think I may come up with the concept of Pet Air for this upcoming Christmas season.

4.  Lava Lamps

Now this was one far out and groovy item.   I can't for the life of me remember why I didn't have one.    The lava lamp was actually invented in 1963, but I'm lumping in with 70's items anyway.    It seems iconic with the 70's.   The inventor of the lava lamp was a British accountant.    He got the idea after watching a homemade egg timer made out of cocktail shaker filled with liquids bubbling on a stove top at a pub.  ( say that 3 times fast)    Whenever I think of a lava lamp, I think of an episode from the Brady Bunch where Greg Brady was being all cool.    Here's a pic below.  It's outta sight man.

5.  Troll dolls

Ok, so I keep learning that not all the stuff I grew up with during the 70's, but I'm putting it in anyway.    Troll dolls were originally created by a Danish woodcutter in 1959.   They did regain popularity and become a fad again in the 70's, so we'll keep them on the list.    The woodcutter's name was Thomas Dam.   I can't resist, so I must say least his friends can't say he didn't invent a Dam thing.   Sorry about that, but it was just too obvious to pass up.   I had several troll dolls but was more of a fan of Pee Wee dolls which I'll look at in a future post.

6.   Clairol Herbal Essence Shampoo

Oh my goodness did this stuff smell good.    My friends and I all had to have it.    It seems like my most vivid memories of it are when we'd shower in our bathing suits in the bathhouse after we went swimming at the pool.   We'd pour a half bottle on our heads for the smell.   Whenever you walked through the bathhouse someone was using this and you could smell it.   Which is much better than some other potential smells coming from the bathhouse.   

7.  Faberge Farrah Fawcett Shampoo

Farrah....what a beauty.    I was so happy when she came along and the stick-thin-straight hair of the Marcia and Jan Brady's started to go out of style.   As a curly headed chick, I just couldn't match them.    I tried to get my hair to do the 'feathers' that Farrah's a curly headed chick.....that didn't work out too good either unfortunately.   Anyway, I still have a vivid memory of being excited to go buy this shampoo.   It was at Treasury Drugs at Fayette Mall (store long since gone)  I thought my hair would look like hers if I bought it.     It's funny, I can't remember what I did 10 minutes ago, but I can remember stuff from 40 years ago.    Well, at least I can remember something, so that's cool.    I know many a guy had the Farrah Fawcett famous poster.   I won't put up a pic of that, but I doubt I need to.   I'm sure it's still etched in the minds of many a fella.

That's all for now.   There's still more fads, fashions, decades and toys to look at in future posts.    For those of you around in the 70's, I hope you enjoyed the look back.   It was far out and groovy man.

A chief steward

A secret

Until next time......

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