Sunday, September 8, 2013


Here's some fun (and some seriousness) for the day..........


How many deeds did Hercules perform to free himself from bondage?

The more of them you take the more you leave behind.  What are they?

Q:  How do you catch a squirrel?
A:  Climb into a tree and act like a nut.

Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?


Every choice has a domino effect that can alter our destiny.


I was watching a couple of reality TV shows a few weeks ago and they got me thinking about pride.   These were not quality shows by any means, but it was a good look into pride and the destruction it can cause.    

On one of the shows, an adult brother and sister have been fighting for the last few years.   As a result, their families have been in turmoil.   The parents are upset, the children are upset to not see their cousins, aunts and uncles and basically there's a lot of unhappiness and chaos caused by the rift.   There are various reasons for the angst, but at the heart of the destruction of their relationship is pride.    Neither wants to say 'I was wrong' or 'I'm sorry'.  Even worse,  it seems as if they don't want to say 'I forgive you'.   They are holding back forgiveness as a punsishment.

On the other show, a daughter-in-law and her mother-in-law had strained relations.   Neither wanted to take the time or effort to work at it.  As a result, the kids, who are now teenagers, have missed out of a relationship with their grandmother and the grandmother missed out on that as well.   Once again, at the center of the turmoil was pride.   They are starting to work at it now, but those years are forever lost.

I pondered what to title this post and then it hit me.   It seems like pride is a hidden thief.    It's easy to fall into it's trap and to not realize all that pride takes away from our lives.  To not really 'see' what is being missed.  So many blessings and opportunities that are lost because someone has to be right.   A few months ago I wrote a post about 'right vs. right' that I think goes along with this.  Is it more important to be right or to have right relationships?

Many people have been hurt by family, friends, churchs and business relationships.   First of all, we have to remember that there are two sides to every story.   In a majority of cases 'fault', if you will, can be found in all the parties involved.    But even if we are completely innocent in a situation, is it wise to be willing to miss out on potential blessings and a happier life just to be right?  Is it wise to cling to our pride?  What is there to gain in holding back forgiveness for someone?  There's more to be gained through forgiveness than holding a grudge.  Is pride and being right worth the destruction of a relationship?   Is pride and being right worth the loss of years with friends and relationships that have been an important part of our lives?   Is pride and being right worth the blessings that are slipping away with the passing of time?  

Pride is a hidden thief.  It robs people of happiness.  Those who cling to it don't realize all that pride is robbing them of.   Pride is one of the 7 deadly sins for a reason.    Use caution and don't let this hidden thief rob you of blessings.



Until next time..........

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