Sunday, October 6, 2013


Here's some fun for the day.......

TRIVIA:  (answer below)
What is Hershey’s most popular product?


You throw away the outside and cook the inside.  Then you eat the outside and throw away with inside.  What are you eating?

Q:  What do you call a fake noodle?
A:  An Impasta

Whose cruel idea  was it to put an ‘s’ in the word lisp?


If you are going through a difficult time, expect that God will work things out for your good.


I read something recently that was a good example of focusing on what’s important, keeping your eyes on the goal and letting go of control.   It was in a devotional from Bryant Wright.   Here is the story/example he shared.

Walking through freshly fallen snow, a father wanted to teach his son a key lesson in life.  He said “Son, I’m going to walk to that tree fifty feet ahead in a perfectly straight line.   Then I want you to do the same.”

The father walked to the tree.  He turned to look at his son and they both observed the perfectly straight tracks in the snow.  

Not wanting to fail the test, the son looked at his father and began to walk.  He looked down at his steps and veered to the left.   He looked up and corrected his course.  He looked down again.   When he looked down,  he veered to the right and had to correct his course once more by looking up at his father.  Arriving at the tree, his tracks told the story of his mistakes.  

His father explained, “Son, as long as you focused on me, your tracks were straight.   The moment you took your eyes off me, you got off track.   The key is keeping your eyes on the goal.”

And so it is with us and our lives.   The father in the story represents our Heavenly Father.   If we keep our focus on God and stop trying to be in control of our steps, we will walk that straight line and stay on course.  It’s when we think we can handle our situations better than God that we get into trouble.   That ever present problem with needing to be in control of our situations.  Trips us up every time.

A lot of people find comfort in control, or at least they think they do.   In reality, holding onto control just leads to those ‘wobbly footprints in the snow’ so to speak.   Letting go of the control and handing it over to God is actually an incredibly freeing feeling.   

When we are kids, we trust our parents to take care of things for us.   We are not in such a need for control.  We don’t have a problem with relying on someone for our well being.  Something seems to happen with that along the way as we grow up.  We need to keep that childlike reliance with God.   He’s our Father, Creator of all things and He can control all situations better than we can.  

Sometimes it helps for me to mentally picture handing my problems over to God when I feel like I’m trying to rely on myself too much.   I picture the situation in a box in my hands.  Then I raise it up to God and ask Him to take it from me and work it out to His will.  He knows better than me how it should go.   There is a great feeling of release when I push that imaginary box up towards Heaven and He takes it from me.

God created us and He knows what’s best for us way more than we do.    We would not be here without Him, so trust Him.   Think of the footprints in the snow next time you feel overwhelmed.   Keep your head up and walk straight towards the goal.....straight towards God.   Focus on HIm and He will keep your path straight.

Proverbs 3: 5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.   Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.

Reeses Peanut Butter Cups

An ear of corn

Until next time.........

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