Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Here's some fun for the day..........

TRIVIA:  (Answer at bottom)
Which Caribbean Island did Christopher Columbus originally name Juava?

BRAIN TEASER: (answer at bottom)
What is the similarity between '2 + 2 = 5' and  your left hand?

Q:  Where do you find a one-legged dog?
A:  Wherever you left it.

Why is the Lone Ranger called 'Lone' if he always has Tonto with him?


If you are always talking about your problems, don't be surprised if you live in perpetual defeat.


I'm taking a look at 70's Saturday morning shows (not the cartoons) in this post.    I always enjoyed getting up on Saturday mornings and watching shows when I was a kid.   I preferred the cartoons, but we'll look at those in a future post.    

I wasn't one to sleep in on Saturdays.  Mom made sure we got up early and now I'm glad she did.   I'm a morning person and have no problem getting up in the mornings.    It was fun to be able to hang out in pajamas for longer on Saturdays and to not have to get ready for school.    As I mentioned, I preferred the cartoons, but because I loved lounging around in my PJ's on Saturdays, I'd stick around for the 'people' shows too.  They usually aired later than the cartoons.

My husband's Saturdays were different than mine.   He's an outdoor guy and grew up on a farm.  He preferred fishing, hunting, farming and mowing yards on Saturday mornings and was not into the Saturday morning shows.    Sometimes I like to ask him questions that I already know the answer to just to watch his expression.    So before I wrote this post I asked him...."hey....did you ever watch H.R. PufnStuf on Saturday mornings when you were a kid?   The expression on his face did not disappoint me.   Needless to say, he did not.

So here's a look at some of the shows.  Starting with.....

1.  H.R. PufnStuf  

I still remember the theme song from this one.  Here's the premise:   A boy named Jimmy has in his possession a magic flute named Freddie that can talk and play tunes on its own. One day he gets on a magic talking boat that promises to take him on an adventure. The boat happens to belong to a wicked witch named Witchiepoo, who uses the boat to kidnap Jimmy and take him to her home base on Living Island, where she hopes to steal Freddie for her own selfish needs. 

Witchiepoo ( I don't think this make-up artist won any awards)

Fortunately Jimmy is rescued by the island's mayor, a six foot dragon named H.R. Pufnstuf.  After Jimmy is rescued by Pufnstuf and his two deputies, Kling and Klang, his adventures begin as well as his attempts to get back home.

I always had a problem with H.R. PufnStuf.   I couldn't deal with his big head and tiny legs with white boots.   As one who likes balance, this was just too off kilter for me.  Plus, the boots gave away that it was person and not a creature.   They should have given him feet like Barney the Dinosaur.   I had a real problem with those boots.  In fact, for some reason, they really creeped me out.

2.  Land of the Lost  

A family is thrown back in time and must survive in a dinosaur dominated land.   

I remember this chick (Holly Marshall) because of her straight blond hair.  She, along with Marcia Brady and Jan Brady, made we wish for straight hair.   I had thick, curly brown hair and it wasn't in style in the Marcia Brady days.    By the time I got to college, my type of hair was in take that Holly, Marcia and Jan.

The above picture is of Chaka.    I always thought he looked like Ernie Douglas from "My Three Sons"    

3.  Shazam

A young man, Billy Baston, is able to transform into a superhero, Captain Marvel, and travels the country fighting evil.   

I thought Michael Gray, who played Billy Baston, was a likable guy and not as horrible an actor as most of the people on these shows.   He had a David Cassidy quality about him.   

4.  The Secrets of Isis

An archaeologist gains an amulet that lets her turn into the super heroine goddess Isis and fight evil.   To turn into Isis she would chant  "O Mighty Isis'  ( I loved the chant)

The Secrets of Isis was the first weekly American live-action television series whose lead character was a female superhero, debuting September 6, 1975 and predating the weekly debuts of both " The Bionic Woman" (January 14, 1976) and "Wonder Woman" (April 21, 1976).    

I liked this one because the chick had dark hair.   It wasn't curly, but it was closer to mine than Marcia Brady's.   "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia.."    

Here's a look at a few more.  I won't go into detail about them, but you may remember them if you were a kid back in those days.     

5.  Lancelot Link:  Secret Chimp

6.   The Monster Squad    

7.  Big Foot and Wild Boy

8.  Space Academy

There's a look at a few.   I'm sure there were more.   Mainly, when I look back at these shows I can tell they were from the 70's.    I'm beginning to think the writers and producers of these shows were on some type of heavy drugs.   Many of them look like L.S.D. trips put on screen.   They were pretty strange and cheesy shows.    

Here's to Saturday mornings and a comfy pair of P.J.'s.


neither one of them are right

Until next time........

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