Sunday, December 1, 2013


Here's some fun for the day……….

In the "Grinch" song, what is the Grinch as cuddly as?

CHRISTMASTIME BRAIN TEASERS:   (Decipher these Christmas Carols)

1.  Happiness to the Global Ecosystem
2.  Small Male Percussionist. 
3.  I am Experiencing Nocturnal Visions of a Colorless Holiday
4.  Festoon the Corridors.


Q:  Why couldn't the Christmas tree stand up?
A:  Because tress don't have legs like we do.

Why do people go to tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to see things on the ground?


We can't always control our circumstances, but we can control how we react to them.


There are so many things to love about the Christmas season festivities.    One of those would be Christmas lights.   I love seeing them on houses and trees.    I've always been a fan of the big-bulbed color lights.     Growing up, that's what we used on our house and tree.    When I got married, we used color lights at first.   I then went through the small white lights phase.   Pretty, but in the end…..color lights rule.  

There were also the small color lights for trees and bubble lights.    There used to be a time on the big-bulb lights, where if one went out the entire string did not work and you had to go through and check each bulb.    There were also the bubble lights like in the picture on the left.

I also remember (pre-twinkling lights) when we had this gadget that you could plug the lights into and the would blink.   I'm a blinking, twinkling kind of girl, so I loved that.   Then along came the small lights that had a 'dancing' light option.   You could make them blink like they were obsessed or go fast or slow.   I had to have those at first too.   One of the issues with the small lights is that it seems when you plug them in to check them, they work.   Then when you get them intertwined on the tree and plug them in, half of the strand doesn't work.    It's like you can hear them laughing like mini-elves with their taunts of 'gotcha again'.    


I still go through spurts on the outside lights.    Lately it's been a red and green theme.    Growing up, there was a house in the neighborhood that used blue and green lights.   I always thought that was really cool.    Several years ago, I went with that theme on our house, mantle and tree.    It was not well received by my daughter and husband.   I thought it looked pretty cool, but that was that last of that theme.   (although I think I'll sneak it back up one of these years)

When our daughter was little, we'd enjoy spending nights driving around neighborhoods and seeing the lights.    We don't do that as often now.   Instead we drive around and put baby powder in people's trash cans and sing the "Santa Baby Powder".   (formerly known as "Santa Baby")  Ok, so we don't really do that.   

My brother was a big fan of Christmas lights and decorating his house.   He'd always have to have the latest fad.   When the Icicle-light phenomenon came along, he covered   his house with them.   Then the net lights came along.   Funny thing.  Every year he'd put up all his lights and then someone a few days later would take them off of this one particular bush.   They did that every year and we never found out the culprit.   One of those mysteries in life.


I also really enjoyed the candle lights we would put in our windows growing up, and so I continued that tradition with my Hub and daughter.    Growing up we would do bulbs like in the picture below and later we used orange bulbs.    I believe I started with orange when on my own, then went to white and multi-color.   Now they alternate green and red to go with the outdoor theme.     

Whatever lights you prefer, color or white, big or small, it's always exciting when you start to see them go up in neighborhoods.     When you see them you know……

"….it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas….."

a Cactus


1.  Joy To The World
2.  Little Drummer Boy
3.  I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas.
4.  Deck the Halls

Isaiah 7:14
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. 

Until next time……...

1 comment:

  1. TRICIA your page was so colorful and it brought back old memories which I love to hear. Love u
