Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Here's some fun for the day……..

There are 10 body parts that are only 3 letters long.  Can you name them?

Throw out my outer, eat my inner.  Then eat my outer and throw out my inner.  What am I?

Q:  What's blue and smells like green paint?
A:  Blue paint.

Why don't fortune tellers win the lottery?


What is competing for your dedication to God?


I recently finished a book by Kyle Idleman called "Not a Fan".  It is a great read about the difference in commitment as far as being a fan of Jesus or a follower of Jesus.  Fans are content to sit on the sidelines whereas followers are willing to make more of a commitment    He makes lots of great points and he is also quite humorous.  

Idleman mentions that fans of Jesus are often putting off spending more time in their commitment to Jesus.   Life's distractions become the main thing with Jesus fitting in if there is time.   Worship, church, Bible study and making sacrifices to help others take a back seat because there isn't time.  They'll start to 'follow' tomorrow.  Often, tomorrow becomes today when tragedy strikes.  After years of putting Him off, they finally turn to Jesus in desparation.   However, it is best to already be grounded in your faith and a 'follower' before life takes a turn for the worse.  I can attest to this.  I've faced various difficulties throughout my life and some of those times were when my dedication to Him took a backseat to my life.  I felt much more anxiety in difficult circumstances when I wasn't grounded in my faith compared to when I was.   It's much easier to face hard times with your faith already commited and strong.   It makes a difference.  It doesn't make problems go away, but the strength you feel when facing them is so much better.  There's  a peace that passes all understanding and keeps your mind and your heart at rest.  (to paraphrase Philippians 4:7)

One of the stories Idleman shares in his book along these lines is one he calls the blinking light.   I thought I'd share that today.  

He talks of owning a Plymouth Breeze car when he was younger.   At one point the check engine light came on.  He opened the hood and looked at the engine but that was pretty much all he knew to do.   He didn't have any money to fix it.   However, the light was annoying, so he eventually got a piece of black electrical tape and covered it up.   Problem solved.  No more blinking light.   Of course, this would not be a permanent fix.   Eventually his car broke down and the transmission was shot.   The manufacturer had designed the car so that if something wasn't right with the engine the check engine light would come on to give the owner enough warning time to get it fixed.  

Just like in life, we can ignore warning signs and pretend everything is ok, but if you pay attention to the 'blinking light' you can save yourself a lot of stress and heartache and be better equipped for what comes your way.  When the 'light' comes on, it is a call to action.

There are natural consequences when we put Jesus on the back burner and choose to go our own way.  We are often given 'blinking lights' to get our attention so we get on the right path and follow Him and sadly we ignore them.

Don't ignore the blinking light.  Don't put off for tomorrow what you need to do today.   Don't just be a fan.  Be a follower and be better equipped for the road of life.

eye, hip, arm, leg, ear, toe, jaw, rib, lip, gum

An ear of corn

Until next time……..


  1. Great blog tricia - its always good lov u

  2. Your blog is always a wake up call Love u
