Sunday, January 12, 2014


Here's some fun for the day…...

Which four states touch at one point?

A bat and a ball cost $1.10.   The bat costs one dollar more than the ball.  How much does the ball cost?

Q:  Why did the tomato turn red?
A:  It saw the salad dressing.

"I just got out of the hospital.   I was in a speed reading accident.  I hit a bookmark."
(Steven Wright)


In the midst of troubles, give thanks to God and trust Him to lead you to bigger and better things.

WHO IS THE PILOT?  An observation

Our family recently went to Florida for a vacation.   On the travel back we had various airplane issues as far as delays and cancellations.   It seems that airline travel is an extra pain these days.  There is always something going on with the trip.   I was telling our daughter how flying used to be pleasant.  She was saying she never liked it and that she prefers to have the control like you have with driving.   You control your schedule a bit more with driving and you or someone you know is at the wheel.   Plus, you can take nice little pit stops along the way at diners and such.

Our trip home got me thinking (as everything does) about the analogy between an airline pilot taking us on a trip and our true pilot, God, taking us through life.  Also, how many of us like the feeling of control.

As I was contemplating control and airline travel, the thing that hit me as interesting was how we trust the pilot to take us where we need to go.   We trust him with our life.   We don't know this person and a lot of the times we don't even see the pilot until we are leaving the plane.   The funny thing is, how often do we try to take over the flying of the plane from this stranger?  How often do we tell the pilot to scoot over and let us take control?  How often do we think we know better than the pilot and so we're going to fly the plane?  "Scoot over pilot…I got this…"  Well, for me, that would be never, and I assume that's the case for most people.   The thing is, we know the most experienced person to fly the plane is the one calling the shots.  We trust that and don't try to push the pilot out of the way.   

We have God as our pilot for our lives and yet we often try to take over control of the 'plane' from Him.  How much more experienced and wise than us is God at knowing what's best?   He created the Universe and we still try to take over the controls and tell God "..I got this, let me handle it…"   God is much better equipped to be 'calling the shots' than us.  Many people can't see God working in their lives, not because they lack faith, but because they insist on having too much control.   

If we can board a plane and trust that the pilot is the best equipped to fly the plane, then we should also realize that God is the most equipped to guide our lives.  

Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico

The ball cost 5 cents.  One dollar more than 5 cents is $1.05 which gives a total of $1.10

Until next time…..

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