Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Here's some fun for the day…...

TRIVIA:  What is the only bird that flies backwards?

I'm part of the bird that's not in the sky.  I can swim in the ocean and yet remain dry.  What am I?

Q:  There are 5 flies in the kitchen.  Which one is the football player?
A:  The one in the sugar bowl.


Experiencing hardships can make us more compassionate.  We feel what others feel & it gives us credibility when we reach out to others.


Recently, I've been on a couple of trips where I didn't have cell service.  Part of this was because of location and the other part was due to Sprint appearing to have less and less coverage these days.   When I'm without service, it's a good look into the past and the way things used to be.   I've lived just as much life without a cell phone as with, in fact more without.   I don't remember when I got my first cell phone, but I'm going to guess it was in my 30's.   

So I've lived that life….so…..why do I get so impatient when I don't have service?

This last trip I pondered that question a lot and compared the difference from my past to now.   

Life had a slower pace without cell phones.  There was a chance to 'get away' and escape work and such.  There's pros and cons to that.  It's nice to get away from it all and be 'away from the office'.  However, some people are able to get away more often because they can be in contact with work.   So that's good.  But….if you are at the beach and on a computer or phone….are you really getting away?

The other thing I thought of was the convenience of texting.   On a recent trip to Florida, we were unable to use are phones in our hotel.  This I feel was a Sprint thing as West Palm Beach is not exactly a remote igloo in the arctic.   When I wanted to check with my mom about possible dinner plans, I had to go find where she was and ask in person.   As I was doing that I thought to myself….. 'oh how tough'.  Then I said to myself…'now wait a minute missy, that's what you used to do growing up…you need to be getting over it'.  ( I talk to myself a lot.  These days using Mrs. Hughes voice from Downton Abbey.  Don't know why I'm using her voice, but I do).  The 'finding family in person to talk to them and ask a question' deal in Palm Beach enlightened me to the slower pace that the no cell phone days allotted and I thought "…that's really not too bad" (comforting to say that to myself too in the voice of Mrs. Hughes)

The part of cell phones I do really like is to be able to reached in an emergency.  It is a comforting feeling.   I also prefer it when traveling in a car.   As a kid I was always a stressor when we would drive somewhere.  I'd be wondering if we broke down or ran out of gas how long we would be stranded.   An extra worry on Sundays back in the day when gas stations weren't open on Sundays.  (which I think is pretty cool & wish were still the case.  Hey, we survived it back then, we could now too)   I like the feeling that we can call for help if stranded.  

Being a parent has made me like cell phones.   I haven't experienced parenthood without one.   I'm sure it was much more worrisome raising a child without one as far as being able to reach them and them reach you.  I like knowing our daughter can reach us whenever she needs to for whatever reason.  However, it adds worries too.  The general access they have to them and texting and driving and such.

People are much more disengaged with cell phones.  I can't help but crack up when I look at a family at a restaurant having dinner and they are all looking at their phones.  Or when you look around a room full of people watching tv and they are looking down at their phones.  There's something to be said for good ole conversation and board games and such.

After my last trips of no-tech land, I realize I can live without lots of the random stuff I check online (i.e.  who 'liked' Wal-Mart for a free Saran Wrap offer)  but at the same time, it's like I don't know what's happening with anyone if I'm not looking at social media.   So then I feel like an insensitive goof when I run into someone at the grocery story and say 'hey, I keep meaning to tell you that you have a really cool house' and then it turns out it burned to the ground the day before but I didn't know it.  (may be insensitive here because I haven't look at social media as much lately and maybe that really happened to someone so sorry to whoever if it did)  

During my no-tech stays I have gotten into the world of needlepoint since I can't 'look' at stuff, and I'm finding it quite relaxing.   ( The Needlepoint store might be in cahoots with Sprint….it's giving them lots more money these days to have me off my phone)  The Needlepoint store would like to add that me not having service is a pro and not a con.

Something I do miss a lot when I can't get online is….google.   I'm a nut for checking random facts and wanting answers to various questions I have.   Google is also good for stopping various debates people have on facts.   I thought back to what I used to do if I wanted to know a randomness.  I pretty much either looked in up in an Encyclopedia or called someone or went to the library.  Again…..another way no-tech life added to a slower pace of things, so pros and cons all the way around I guess.  

There's a random look at life without service.  I think there's advantages and disadvantages to the world of cell phones.  But, they are here to stay, it is what it is….life changes…..and we just roll with the punches. 




Until next time…..

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