Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Here's some fun for the day………

How many U.S. States end with the letter 'O'?

I am light as a feather, and yet even the strongest man can't hold me for more than a minute.    What am I?

Q:  What do you call an old snowman?
A:  Water

Do cows half calf muscles?


One thing that trips us up in our faith walk is when we try to obtain by our efforts what God wants to give us by His grace.

About a month ago I finished a book called 'Primal' by Mark Batterson.   He is a great Christian author and I recommend his various inspiring books.   I was recently thinking about a part in the book where he referred to Scripture as a kaleidoscope.  

For those who either don't remember back that far or never had one, a kaleidoscope contains fragments of colored glass at the end of a mirrored tube and reflects light in an endless variety of colors and patterns.   

And so it is with Scripture….

Batterson points out that we can read the same verse on different occasions and it will speak to us in totally different ways.    How cool that we can read the same verse numerous times and it speak to us differently each time.  That is a testament to its divine Author.   Our God that inspired writers thousands of years ago still illuminates readers of today.  

God has infinite knowledge of your personality, your dreams, your doubts, your history and your circumstances.   That is why Scripture speaks to us in kaleidoscopic ways.  As our lives and situations changes, the way we interpret verses changes too.

For me, the versea that have spoken to me the most over the years are Philippians 4: 6-7

"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs and don't forget to thank Him for His answers.  If you do this you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.  His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus" (New Living Version)

These verses have spoken to me in various ways over the years.   My parents gave me a New Living Bible in 1974 for Easter and I really loved it.   I could finally understand the Bible.  (I always struggled with the King James version)    I was only 10 yrs old at the time, but I found this passage from Philippians early on and it is still marked in that Bible today.  

Anytime I was stressed or worried (which was often) I would turn to this verse and it would bring me comfort.  This didn't mean I never worried again, but it helped.   The various things stressing me in life changed over the years from middle school to high school to college to job to marriage to tragedy to illness etc……and so I understand what Batterson is talking about when he refers to Scripture as a kaleidoscope.    

These verses are still the same verses, but the way I look at them changes like the image in a kaleidoscope each time I read them depending on what I'm going through.   

There is no greater manuel for life than the Bible.   God still speaks through His written word.  Whatever you may be going through, take some time to let Him speak to you.    I find it interesting that the word kaleidoscope is derived from a Greek word that means 'beauty, that which is seen'.    There is nothing more beautiful than hearing God speak to you through His written word.   

4;    Idaho, Colorado, Ohio, New Mexico


Until next time…….

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