Friday, April 18, 2014


This is a post that I wrote last year.  Usually my blog involves humor, jokes and trivia, but for today I want to go in a different direction in honor of Good Friday.   As I'm typing this, it is the Thursday night before Easter.  I often contemplate about what was taking place through the night so many years ago as Jesus was taken from the garden to face his destiny.   I think of how people were sleeping through the night as he began to face such horrific trials.

I have a tradition that I've followed every Good Friday since "The Passion Of the Christ" movie was released.  I turn out the lights, shut the blinds, and watch "The Passion".    This movie really helps me to feel what Jesus went through for me.  If you don't have the DVD, the entire movie is usually available on YouTube.  I've attached the scene in which Jesus is flogged before being crucified.   Flogging on it’s own could have killed Jesus.  The usual procedure was to bare the upper half of the person’s body, tie their hands to a pillar and then whip them with a three-pronged whip with pieces of lead in the prongs.   This is just one of the many agonies Jesus went through for us.  This puts so much of my life in perspective.  Regardless of what I've been through, or what I'm going through, when I watch this scene It really helps me to see and understand what Jesus went through for me.   Anything I've gone through in life pales in comparison to what He experienced.

People often make fun of Christians, even more so in recent years.  Christians will get plenty of hatred from the world.  (John 16: 20 “.....Since they persecuted me, naturally they will persecute you....”)   The world’s values are often opposite of God’s values.  This can cause Christians to feel like outcasts sometimes.  Believers can take courage from the fact that Jesus himself was mocked more than most people will ever experience.  Taunting may be hurtful, but we should never let it change what is true.  Keep the faith.

Jesus volunteered for this sacrifice and this torture.  He did this for you & He loves you.  Take a moment today to think upon this awesome truth.   Jesus’ sacrifice is truly the greatest act of genuine love in all of history.   

(Here’s the scene I mentioned above.  The part I was referring to takes place about 4 minutes into the clip )

Until next time.......


  1. I have only seen that movie once, when it was in the theaters, I had to walk out during the scene you mentioned, I could not watch the torture he went through, knowing that it really happened and he endured it for me.

  2. It is a very tough scene to watch.
