Sunday, April 27, 2014


Here's some fun for the day…...

What element are diamonds made of?

What is full of holes but can hold water?

Q:  How did the eggs leave the highway?
A:  They took the eggs-it.

To me, boxing is like ballet, except there's no music, no choreography and the dancers hit each other. 


One person's problem is another's privilege.  One person's interruption is another's divine intervention.  Which person do you want to be?


In my morning quiet time I like to read several books.  I’m not one to concentrate on just one book.   I’m the same way with needlepoint.   I always have at least 3 projects going at the same time.   One of the books I’m reading is called “Life Interrupted” by Priscilla Shirer.   I’m not very far along in the book yet but....oh pardon me...............ok, I’m back.  I got interrupted.   Haha!  Actually I didn’t, just thought I’d have some fun there.   The book is about seeing life’s interruptions as divine interventions instead of annoyances.  

As we maneuver through life, various things happen that interrupt our flow and schedules.   Things like illness, death, financial troubles, an unexpected baby, a lost baby....even someone needing your help on a very busy day.

Shirer makes the point that every dynamic that makes any story interesting is the conflict or hurdle to be overcome.  This is not to downplay personal situations, but to encourage.   Without the conflict there is no change or growth, so we can look at life's interruptions as potential for a divine plan God has for us.

Almost every person in the Bible whose story made a lasting mark faced a sizable interruption in his or her life.  They stood at a crossroad and were forced to decide if they would  yield to divine interruption or continue ahead on their own path.   Here’s few examples:

NOAH was interrupted.  He was enjoying a comfortable life when called by God to build an enormous floating structure he’d never seen of or heard.

ABRAHAM was interrupted.  Commanded by God to leave his family and friends behind to go on a journey that ultimately led to the establishment of God’s covenant with His chosen people.

SARAH was interrupted hearing that she would give birth to her first son at the age of 90.  (Aye yi yi.  Makes me glad I’ve had a hysterectomy) 

JOSEPH was interrupted.  A simple day hanging out with his brothers led to being left for dead and sold as a slave.  Only God could write a story that would take him to the heights of leadership and rising into a position to rescue his family and others from famine ( My favorite story in the Bible.  Such triumph through difficult circumstances and how you never know what you are going through may lead to)

MOSES was interrupted.  He went from tending sheep to leading God’s instrument for delivering His people from more than four hundred years of bondage.

JONAH was interrupted.  Called from a comfortable life as a prophet in a nation he loved to a God-forsaken country and people he detested.   The greatest revival in human history would involve his obedience.

JESUS’ DISCIPLES were each interrupted.  They were called away from their normal duties and lives into following Christ as His closest companions.  It would mean persecution and death for all of them yet also the opportunity to walk with Jesus, inspiring millions still today to know Jesus at all costs.

MARY was interrupted.  She was making simple wedding preparations when an angel stopped to visit to let her know that she would be a personal part of the most defining moment in all of human history.

Those are just a few from the Bible and of course there are tons throughout history.   Our lives are filled with interruptions.   Make a choice to start seeing these as divine intervention from God and talk with Him to see what course He wants you to take.

What if your compelling story could be written with the ink of your latest interruption.   Will you follow through or will you defy God for forcing the plotline on you?  The thing to remember is God’s way is always the best way.  He’s God after all.  He created He knows the best path for you.   

I'm listening to baseball right now as I type this, so I'll add a baseball analogy:

When life throws you a curve ball, think of it as a pitch from God and be determined to turn it into a home run.

As I read more of Priscilla Shirer’s “Life Interrupted” book, I’m sure I’ll have more to share.



A sponge

Until next time...

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