Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Here's some fun for the day…..

What is Europe's longest river?

The capital of Turkey is a long word.  Can you spell it?

Q:  What washes up on tiny beaches?
A:  Microwaves


Making sense of God's call is not a prerequisite for following it.  His word & His promises are enough.


1.  Adding 1 tsp of baking soda to water for easy-to-peel hard-boiled eggs.

I read this about a month ago and recently gave it a whirl.   It really works!   Usually when I peel an egg the shell comes off in 50,000 sections and my egg looks like the moon.   Now it's slick as a whistle.

**here's another tip for hard-boiled eggs.   This will give you that nice yellow look and not the ugly green business.

put your egg in the water before it boils.   Once the water reaches a rapid boil, set the timer for 3 minutes.    Then remove the pan from the heat, cover and wait about 8 minutes and you have a perfectly cooked hard-boiled egg

2.  Why is Rx the abbreviation for pharmacy?

I wondered this recently when passing a pharmacy.   So I looked it up.  Here's what I found.

Rx is an abbreviation for the Latin word "recipere" or "recipe," which means "Take, thou." In the days before manufactured drugs, apothecaries (who were also doctors) would write out a formula for medications. They would mix up and compound ingredients to make drugs or remedies. Not until the 19th century was the distinction between the apothecary/pharmacist as a compounder of medicines and the physician as a therapist generally accepted. According to the Pharmaceutical Handbook, the Latin abbreviation Rx is completed by some statement such as "fiat mistura," which means "let a mixture be made," sometimes abbreviated to f. m. or ft. mist. or fait mist.). Pharmacists required a knowledge of compounding until recently. In 1920, 80% of prescriptions were compounds mixed in the shop. In the 1940s the number of prescriptions requiring compounding had declined to 26%, and then to 1% or less in 1971.

3.  Who coined the phrases "The customer is always right' & "only ____ more shopping days until Christmas"

Harry Selfridge is the answer.  If you are a Masterpiece Classic watcher then you have heard of him from the show Mr. Selfridge (which I really like)  Harry Selfridge got his start at a young age at Marshall Field's department store and eventually moved to London to open his own department store called "Selfridges".    
I was watching this show for awhile before realizing it was based on a real person.  I got to googling cast members, as I often do, which led me to seeing he was a real person with a very interesting story.   I've always loved big department stores too.   Goes back to my fond memories of a child of shopping at Pogue's in Cincinnati, Ohio.   Look up Harry Selfridge's bio.   It is very interesting.

4.  When did the automatic car wash begin?

As I've mentioned before, I'm always pondering things.   I was recently going through the automatic car wash at Shell gas station and asked myself this question.   As a kid, I always thought the automatic car wash was the coolest thing.   I loved riding through it and watching the car go through it by looking through a glass window.  Looked it up…..and found out 1930 was the first one.  There ya' go.

5.  What's the difference between perfume, eau de Parfum, eau de Toilette & eau de Cologne

I've listed them in the order of strongest to weakest as far as purity, concentration and lasting scent.   Perfume is the most expensive and lasts the longest.   It took me awhile to go with the more expensive perfume/eau de Parfum, but eventually I did.   What's the point of spending money of something that lasts on you for about 30 minutes.   It's extra, but if you don't want to spray yourself all the time, it's worth it.  



Until next time…….

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