Thursday, March 21, 2013

Casual Friday

Here’s some fun for the day.....

TRIVIA: (Answer below)
What is the other name for the card game Patience?
(I should have used this trivia on Wednesday’s “Got Patience” entry)

Q:  What kind of flowers are on your face?
A:  Tulips.

An important choice you make every day is your attitude.  Your internal attitude is more important than your external circumstances.

"When I was born the first word I said was 'quote' so that right before I die I could say 'unquote' "
(Steven Wright)

Friday is approaching, or here already, depending on when you read this.  Tgif & Happy Friday to you.   Many places of business have what they call “Casual Friday”.  This is where the employees get to dress casual for the day.  I started thinking about different versions of “Casual Friday”.  What if “Casual Friday” was a day that you talked casual?  I imagined going to the grocery on this version of "Casual Friday" 
(I obviously spend a lot of time there)  I thought of what the scene would look like in “Casual Friday” talk when I go to the deli to buy sandwich meats.  I think it would sound like this.  I’d say “Yo.  Wassup.  Buff Chick, thick, pound.”  (deciphered - “Hello, I would like Buffalo Chicken breast slicked thick. One pound please)  The deli worker would cut a sample slice, show it to me & say “Ite?” (“Is this thickness alright?”)  I’d tilt my head & do a cool, casual nod without saying a word.  When the deli worker had my order complete, they’d toss it casually like a frisbee directly into my shopping cart.  I’d say “T.K. to the U” ( “Thank You”) Then the deli worker would reply “No probs. That’s how we roll ( “Happy to help.  That’s how we do things here at this grocery”)  I’m liking this version of “Casual Friday”......I may have to explore the concept & versions in the future.


Until next time.....

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