Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Slooooww Motion....

Here’s some fun for the day.....

TRIVIA:  (Answer below)
What sense is most closely related to memory?

Q:  Who does Pharaoh talk to when he is sad?
A:  His mummy

Every person we meet today is either a demolition site or construction opportunity.  Our words make a difference.  Will we tear down or build up?

“If you fall, I’ll be there”
(I heard my floor say this the other day)

Have you ever noticed how many movies & TV shows use slow motion to add that touch of dramatic flair?  I was thinking how it would be cool to have that effect in everyday life.  My trip to the grocery would have so much more panache.  First, there would be my dramatic slow motion walk into the grocery from my hair slowly blowing in the breeze.   Then, things are normal until I get to the soft drink area & I grab a 12-pack of Coke.   Slow motion kicks in as I lift of the 12-pack and toss it in.  I do a dramatic slow motion glance up at the imaginary camera as I push the cart down the aisle with some slow motion swagger.  All is normal again until it’s time to pay.   The dramatic musical score slowly begins...the slow motion camera starts as I open my wallet...(drama is added as the imaginary audience wonders if I have my credit card) I add a knowing glance to the camera & slloooowwwlyy take out my........expired card......
(cue dramatic music here).........oh my......I guess it's back to the car with some slow motion style.


Until next time.....

1 comment:

  1. I had someone tell me that if my card was expired, all it would take is calling HB (the hub) and odds are he would know them or they would be from Hardinsburg...or he would know their family.
    Funny! (....and true)
