Friday, March 15, 2013

St. Patrick's Day is approaching

It's day 2 of my blog.   Wow....and they said it wouldn't last.   "They' say a lot.  Maybe I'll meet them someday and then people around the world can say ...."They" said that "Tricia' said....(input whatever I would say)  When someone comes up to me in the future and says ' 'they' say oil & water don't mix'....I'll get super excited and say 'yes! You're right.   I met 'They'  last Friday and they told me that very thing.   Then everyone will be all a flutter trying to ask me what 'they' look like and how many of them there are.   Ok, moving on....I thought we’d have a little St. Patrick’s Day fun today since it’s approaching this Sunday.   Btw-that cute pup in the pic is my dog Maddie.   Maddie O'Grady on St. Pat's day.

Here we go.....

Q:  Why did the Shamrock cross the road?
A:  Because it was stuck to the chicken's foot.

Ireland is the _______largest island in Europe and the _______ largest in the world.

Storms of life are not an option, but fear of them is.

“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.” 
(Jack Handey)

So yesterday was my first attempt at this world of blogging.   I'm a newbie, but hopefully I will get better and a bit more fancy smancy with my page.    Taking the pic for the blog from my computer yesterday was quite an experience.   It's like a reverse mirror image.   If I turned my head right, in front of me on the screen it turned left.   When I lifted one arm, the image looked like it was the other.   It was quite mind boggling and felt like walking and chewing gum at the same time while also trying to jump hopscotch and yell out tongue twisters.  Or maybe it was more like trying to do a math problem an hour after taking Nyquil.  Eventually,  I just started having fun and taking pictures of my eyeball and trying to do dances with my hands as I watched it all in reverse.   If you're bored today, take a picture of yourself on the computer, or at least watch yourself move in reverse.   Maybe it’s just the blogger camera, but it's a trip.  

3rd; 20th

Until next time......

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