Saturday, March 16, 2013

Are you a Heat Miser or a Cold Miser?

Well, I think I figured out the email problem I was having....on getting these sent to you if you sign up.  I was in some other time zone, I think Czech Republic or something.  Long story short.....that was the issue, and no....I didn't blog at 3:00am yesterday.   I get up early, but not that early.  You may receive 2 of these today because of the delay, but now we are in motion.  Or at least I think we are.....we shall see.    

Happy Saturday everybody.  

Here we go.......

TRIVIA: (Answer below)
What does the ZIP in ZIP code stand for?

Q:  Did you hear about the red ship and the blue ship that collided?
A:  Both crews were marooned

"Get your facts first; then you can distort 'em as you please."
Mark Twain

If you’re going to reach your goals in life, sometimes you have to delay gratification & do the tough thing instead of the fun thing.

Are you a Heat Miser or a Cold Miser?    I think we all tend towards being cold all the time or hot all the time.  I've always been a Cold Miser.  I remember visiting Arizona in July once and it was over 100 degrees ( I just said that in my mind the way the Heat Miser sings it).   I was still wearing long sleeves about and such.   The only time I got hot was laying out in the sun.    For some reason the place we stayed had black towels.   Go figure.   The towels got super hot when you walked away from them.    The towels would get so hot, I'd have to pour water over them to lay down on them.   For all you cold misers out's a few tricks.   Always wear more than one shirt.   Ok, makes sense enough.  Here's the real treat for Cold Misers like me.  Get an electric throw for your couch.    It's like an electric blanket but the size of a couch throw.   Heaven.    As I approached that 'older chick' time in my life, I'd hoped for hot flashes so I could morph into a Heat Miser, but alas, it was not to be.   Now....cue the theme music for whichever miser you are........

TRIVIA ANSWER:   Zone Improvement Plan

Until next time.....

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