Thursday, April 11, 2013


Here’s some fun for the day.....

TRIVIA: (Answer below)
Who was director of the FBI from 1924 to 1972?

Q:  What time of day was Adam born?
A:  A little before Eve

Sometimes waiting is the best thing because it helps to develop the character of God in us.

“I could tell my parents hated me.  My bath toys were a toaster and a radio.”
(Rodney Dangerfield)

I suggested in previous posts ideas for a new kind of Casual Friday.  It would involve talking casual & having casual body language.  Details for those can be found in previous posts.  As I was thinking of more new Casual Friday options, I got the idea for something else.  After a few Casual Fridays, I think we should get fancy smancy and have Formal Friday.   Imagine surprising your coworkers, classmates, friends & family with Formal Friday.   I thought about what my trip to the grocery might look like on a Formal Friday.  (I practically live at Kroger, what can I say)  

First, I’d be wearing a long gown as if I was going to the Oscars.   I’d of course get my hair & makeup done.  Jeeves, the chauffeur would arrive promptly at 10:30am.  I may be only going to Kroger to pick up cottage cheese, Metamucil & deli meats, but I must be chauffeured.  (Formal Friday is getting expensive already) Jeeves, would drop me off at the front door of Kroger.  How nice to not have to walk a few extra feet from the parking lot.  I’m allergic to exercise, so this part seems pretty good.  The deli worker notices that I’m looking & acting quite differently from last week’s Casual Friday.  On Casual Friday I slumped on the counter and said “Yo.  Wassup.  Buff Chick, thick, pound.”  (deciphered - “Hello, I would like Buffalo Chicken breast slicked thick. One pound please”)  So I assume Formal Friday would go like this:  

I would say ‘Good morning madame.  I’m delighted to look upon your selection of delectable lunch meats.  I would be incredibly appreciative if you could slice one pound of the Boar’s Head Buffalo Style Chicken so that I may create sandwiches in my homestead.  I’m extremely grateful to you.  Might I say that the counter’s cleanliness is exquisite today.”  She’ll be quiet impressed, I’m sure.   On Formal Friday I will be accompanied by a String Quartet that follows me wherever I go.   Nothing says Formal Friday quite like grabbing cottage cheese to the sounds of Boccherini’s ‘Minuet’. Kind of makes me want to put on the Marie Antoinette powder wig & dance near the eggs.  We’ll save that for 17th Century Friday.  ( or French Friday)  I think I’ll ask the quartet to play Tchaikovsky’s ‘1812 Overture’ for my jaunt towards the Metamucil.   Toodles dahlings.

J. Edgar Hoover

Until next time......... 

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