Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Back to humor today.   If you haven’t read the previous post “Gratitude”, take a moment & give it a read.  It’s about something I do that helps me through difficult times as well as good ole’ regular days.  I hope you find it encouraging.  

And’s some fun for the day......

TRIVIA: (Answer below)
Which Harry Potter character is part giant?

Soldier 1:  Nobody would want my wife in the armed forces.
Soldier 2:  Why not?
Soldier 1:  Because whenever somebody yells “Charge” she’ll run to the mall.

You are not mass produced.  You are not average.  You are one of a kind.

“I almost had a psychic girlfriend, but she left me before we met.”
(Steven Wright)

I’m having a nostalgic moment today & thinking about the toys ‘Hot Wheels’.   The cars my brother & I loved to play when we were little.   They are still around, & that’s pretty cool.  My thoughts today are on the big 1970‘s rivalry between the Mongoose & the Snake.  These were 2 Hot Wheels that seemed to get a lot of attention.  The rivalry came from the Mongoose vs Snake Double Race Track Set.   Boy, was that a gift every kid wanted back in the day.   I guess boys more than girls, but I loved Hot Wheels.   I remember when we got the Mongoose vs. Snake race track.  It was side-by-side orange tracks that had these hot pink connectors.  Each track had a loop which was the really cool part. We set the track up in our basement.  My brother Trent, my cousin Bobby & I played this all the time.  Actually, turns out that I thought I played it.  I just recently realized that I wasn’t really ‘playing’ at all & that Trent & Bobby had a pretty good system going on.  They were a few years older than me, so I thought it was really cool that they would let me play Hot Wheels with them.   If you read my Easter Egg hunt post, you realize I should have known something was up.  The double track  was pretty cool, but there was a down side.  You put the cars at the top of the track, they race down a hill, down the track, through the loops and to the finish line.  That part’s fun, right?  The down side is that you had to get up every second to go get the cars and bring them back to the beginning of the track.  That gets a little tiresome after awhile.  That’s where I came in on playing Hot Wheels with Trent & Bobby.  I was the car retriever.  I would get the cars and bring them to Trent & Bobby.  They’d race them again & I’d get the cars & bring them back.   A continuous cycle.  What a great gig they had going that naive me never caught onto.   Oh well, I still love Hot Wheels & always enjoyed the time with Trent & Bobby.  Here’s a salute to the Mongoose & the Snake and that orange-looped track. extra salute to all the little car retrievers out there in the world.   


Until next time.....

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