Sunday, April 28, 2013


Here's some fun for the day.......

TRIVIA: (Answer below)
On the TV show “Friends”, what are Rachel’s 2 sisters' names?
Q:  What is a boxer’s favorite drink?
A:  Punch

“I don’t exercise.  If God wanted me to bend over, He would have put diamonds on the floor.”
(Joan Rivers)

When you set a goal, don’t focus on the problems, focus on the promises.  Find a promise in God’s word that will take you to your goal.

I’m missing the wrapping paper of the ole’ days.   The crinkly kind that made lots of noise when you opened your presents.  It also shredded majorly when your ripped it.  It was a little stronger than tissue paper, but not much.    Off the top of my head I can think of two classic Christmas movies that have this kind of paper represented.  “A Christmas Story” &  “The Walton’s Homecoming”.  I always love the sound when I watch the kids open their present in these movies.   

As years pass, improvements are made, although I think the old time paper was great & didn’t need improving.   Innsbrook wrapping paper is all the rage now & has been for quite some time.   It’s a good quality paper, but pretty thick & doesn’t have that fun shredding deal going on when you’re unwrapping it.  In fact, sometimes you need to lift weights & get in shape before you can rip it.

The other thing that’s big nowadays are gift bags.   They’re easy to use and look nice, but here’s the problem.   I’m totally incapable of throwing them away.  Can’t do it.  Now I have gift bags running out my ears.   I could wallpaper a room in gift bags.   Throwing away wrapping paper is no big whoop, but I feel wasteful throwing away a perfectly good gift bag.   So now I have more Christmas, birthday & shower gift bags than I’ll ever be able to use in a life time.  No telling how many gift bags I’ve re-gifted.  I think there should be a place on the bottom of the gift bag to track it’s trail.   You write your name & who the gift is too & the date & pass it on.  Then they pass it on & so on & so on.... (tribute to an old Fabrege shampoo commercial there)  Just imagine 20 years down the road seeing the travels each gift bag has taken.

I recently found vintage wrapping paper on ebay that is the ‘good stuff’.   I’ll be wrapping some Christmas presents in it this year & I look forward to hearing that awesome, crinkly sound.  So when it comes to gift bags vs wrapping paper....I’m a wrapping paper girl.   But odds are, if you receive a gift from’ll be in a gift bag.....because I’m drowning in them.  Help!!!  

Amy & Jill

Until next time.......

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