Tuesday, April 30, 2013

WHICH DONUT ARE YOU?? (Different Donuts represent different personalities)

Here's some fun for the day......

TRIVIA:  (Answer below)
What city was talk show host Jerry Springer Mayor of from 1977-1978?
Q:  What do you need if you see a kangaroo 20 miles away?
A:  I don’t know, but you sure don’t need glasses.

I love to be near Washington - if only to be near my money.
(Bob Hope)

When everything else changes, God's presence never does.

Here’s an extra tidbit:

Dough, Brooklyn
Dat Donuts, Chicago
Doughnut Plant, New York
Bouchon Bakery, Yountville, California
Sublime Doughnuts, Atlanta
Mighty-O-Donut, Seattle
Cafe du Monde, New Orleans ( been to this one)
The Doughnut Vault, Chicago
Voodoo Doughnut, Portland
Randy’s Donuts, Los Angelos
Dinkel’s Bakery, Chicago

(I’ve only been to one of these, but if you’re ever in Houston, TX, you must try Shipley’s Do-Nut shop.   Amazing!)

I love donuts and was grabbing a Vanilla Kreme at Dunkin’ Donuts the other day & took a look at the variety.   So many to choose from.  I started thinking about how the different types of donuts could be similar to the different types of personalities & people  in the world.  (there’s different history/info on the spelling of Doughnut vs Donut.  I’m going with ‘donut’)

Here’s the different types of donuts with first the description of the donut & then the personalities they could be if they were people.

Yeast:  Light & airy  (carefree.  Maybe even like to get a ‘rise’ out of people)

Cake Donut:   crustier, denser   (stuck in their ways.  Not as bright)

Old Fashioned:   Irregular shape, jagged edges, plain sweet base  (doesn’t fit the norm, a little rough around the edges, but generally good person) 

Glazed:  sweet, sugar glaze  ( basic happy-go-lucky)

Cruller:  twisted, fried, oblong   ( a bit strange)

Twist:  twisted around itself  (strange & self-involved)

Jelly filled or cream filled:  Sugary surprise on the inside.  (may seem crusty on the outside but sweet & surprising on the inside.  Take a chance & get to know them)

Apple Fritter:  (a bit bumpy & chunky.  Maybe more of a body type than personality)  

Donut holes:   (The missing center.  Autonomous.  Completes the picture for others)

Mini:  (Smaller version of original.  Likes to copy)  

Beignets:  Deep friend & covered with powdered sugar.  (Just a good ole, down home person.  Sweet)

OK, I'm getting hungry.  Which donut are you??

Cincinnati, Ohio

Until next time.......

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