Monday, May 27, 2013


Here's some fun for the day......

TRIVIA:  (Answer below)
In the children's toe-counting rhyme, what did the third little piggy have?

PHRASE FUN:  (What phrase does the following represent.  Answer below)


Q:  What did zero say to eight?
A:  Nice belt!

“Dear Math, please grow up and solve your own problems.   I’m tired of solving them for you.”

The need to need more than you need equals greed.  Eternal wealth lasts forever.  Earthly wealth can be gone in an instant.

I did a object lesson for a small group Bible study a few years back.  It involved having a bag that was full of items.   The object was to pull the items out one at a time and talk about them.  They were random things.   I would spend more time on some objects as opposed to others.   After all the items had been revealed and put back in the bag I went onto another topic.   Closer to the end of class I had the group think back to the items and write on paper the ones they remembered.  
The items that made it on almost all of the lists were the items that I spent more discussion time on.....focused more on.    The more I talked about an item, the more it was remembered.   

This is a good lesson in our everyday lives.   What we focus more time on is what is predominately what we retain.   When you think of this in regards to focusing on positive thoughts or negative thoughts, it can impact on our lives. 

I read a book recently that talked about the power of positive words and declaring positive things for your life.   Basically, if you speak positively in your life and start the day with an attitude of optimism, your life will more closely follow that.   Same goes if you start your day with a defeated attitude and think ‘oh woe is me, this will never work out’.  Odds are, with that attitude, it won't.  Sort of a self-fulfilling prophesy.   Whatever you consistently speak and believe comes to fruition.

It's always good to focus on the positive in life as opposed to the negative.    In the object lesson mentioned above, imagine the bag representing our lives and the objects inside are different obstacles we face.   The students easily remembered the items I focused on and spent more time on.   Look at what makes up your life and spend more time focusing on the positive 'items' as opposed to the negative.   

Also, speak positively.   Don't have a defeatist attitude when you are facing a difficult situation at work, with a relationship or with your health.   Discard thoughts like 'I can't do this' or 'there is no hope'.   Don't speak defeat.   Instead, declare all your blessings and be determined that things are going to work out.   Think positive.    : )

Roast Beef

Coffee break

Until next time......

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