Sunday, June 2, 2013


Here's some fun for the day........

TRIVIA:  (Answer at bottom of page)
Ham is taken from what part of the pig?

Q:  Where do pianists go on vacation?
A:  The Florida Keys

PHRASE FUN:  (what phrase does the following represent.  Answer at bottom)




"The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket"   ( Will Rogers)

Sometimes we get so busy getting more that we don't enjoy what we have.

I was listening to some music on my iTunes when a particular song came on that I haven’t ‘physically’ listened to for awhile, but that I sing frequently in my mind.   It’s my ‘this is gonna hurt’ song.    I been through a lot of medical procedures since I was a kid and I came up with a trick back then that helped with pain and I’ve used it ever since.   I was probably about 5 years old when I created my ‘system’.    It has faired me well.   It’s more for procedure pain as opposed to everyday pain.   There’s no way to list all the procedures I’ve had done, but in dealing with a lifelong kidney issue, 3 cancers plus lots of other surgeries and stuff, I have had ample opportunity through the years to use my trick.   My system, along with lots of prayers, has worked well for me for many years and maybe it will help you too should the opportunity arise.

Here it is:  (just remember, it was created by a 5-yr old, but still going strong now for me for 44 years)

It starts with a square ceiling vent.   Just about every doctor’s office or surgery area has one.   Start noticing.    Next, you have to have a song.   Mine has always been  “How Can I Be Sure” by The Young Rascals.   I loved it when I was little & still love it today. 

Here’s what you do.  You focus on the vent while singing your song.   You start with the smaller square in the center & move your eyes to the pattern of the square to the music keeping your head still.  ( told you it was created by a 5-yr old)   Don’t change your song.   Always use the same one.   I feel like the repetition of the song over the years has brought me comfort.   Lastly, you pinch yourself somewhere away form the painful area.   (once again.....5-yr old)   That’s it.   That’s the trick.   It doesn’t get rid of the pain completely, but it sure has seemed to make it better for me over the years.   I would guess the reason is because it has me focusing on something else other than what is hurting.   (If a square vent is not available, just find something else you can trace with you eyes) 

Next time you’re having a procedure done, give it a try.  If you want to give the song I use a try, I’ve included a video of it below so you can hear it.    The chorus works great with those squares.    You know.....after all these years...I can say that every time I see a square vent on the ceiling I smile & give a mental thumbs up.   Hey, maybe my song should become a changed version of the "Me and My Shadow" could be "Just Me and My Square Vent".    OK.....then again maybe not.

Here’s the song:

The hind leg

'Room for improvement"

Until next time.......

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