Wednesday, July 17, 2013


TRIVIA: (answer below)
What year did the show '60 Minutes' premier on TV?

BRAIN TEASER:  (Answer below)
rearrange the letters below to write one word.


Q:  Why don't clams donate to charities?
A:  They're too shellfish.

Always remember you are unique; just like everyone else.


God can bring good out of any bad situation.  When trouble comes, do we complain and blame God, or do we use it as an opportunity to honor Him?


I thought I'd take a look today at some words that we often say the wrong way.   Not all of us do, but lots of us do, including me.

REGARDLESS - these will be in no particular order except I do feel this one is #1ish.  This is as 3-syllable word.  In other words....there is no "IR"....there is no such word as IRREGARDLESS

ATHLETE - this word has 2 syllables, not three.   I've been known to say it like  ATHUHLETE  

FIRE - it has a 'long i' for the grammar folks out there.   Mainly, it's not FAR or FIYUH

CANDIDATE - I always get this one wrong.   I say CAN-I- DATE.   The correct way is CAN-DI-DATE

LIBRARY - another one I always get wrong.   I say LI-BERRY.  It's LI-BRAR-Y

CLOTHES - lots of us like to pronounce this one as KLOZ.   Don't forget the 'th'.

ET CETERA - correctly spoken it should not sound like EXCETERA.   
It would be ET-CET-ER-A

FINGER:   Some of us Southern folks may be prone to say FANGER.  It's FING-ER.

Here's a phrase some of us may say wrong.   You don't want to say COULD CARE LESS.  That would mean that you do care, which odds are if you are saying this you are trying to say that you don't care.   The proper way to say this one is COULDN'T CARE LESS

SANDWICH - I tend to leave off the 'D' and say SANWICH, which is wrong.

PRESCRIPTION - this starts with a PRE and not a PER.  In other words, avoid saying PERSCRIPTION

PREROGATIVE - oh my.   I've said this one so wrong that I really thought it was a PER-O-GA-TIVE.    Like the above word, it is not a PER, but a PRE.  I don't think I can say this one the correct way

MAYONNAISE - I've always left off the 'o'.   I call it MANNAISE which is incorrect.   This is a 3-syllable word  ( this one makes me think of Jeff Foxworthy's Redneck words.   One of them is in 'Mayonnaise, there's a lot of people here tonight'

If you have more than one brother-in-law or sister-in-law and are referring to all of them, the correct way to say it is BROTHERS-IN-LAW, not BROTHER-IN-LAWS.   Same with the sisters.   This is also true for more than one hole-in-one on the golf course.   It's HOLES-IN-ONE, not HOLE-IN-ONES.    

SHERBET - knock me over with surprise.  I always thought there was an 'r' in the second syllable of this word, you know, like SHER-BERT.  

TICKLISH - I wasn't overly TICK-A-LISH growing up.....wait a minute....TICK-LISH is only 2 syllables.   I've added a third over the years.

JEWELRY - This is the reverse common mistake of the word above.   Many people only give this word 2 syllables as in JEWL-RY.   Correct version is JEW-EL-RY, which I think is kind of tricky to say.  

What's the 2nd month of the year?   If you asked me I'd say FEB-U-ARY, but correctly spoken it would be FEB-ROO-AR-Y

WINTRY - speaking of February, that's a cold month.   As in WINT-TRY, not as in WIN-TER-Y   

MISCHIEVOUS - I've always said MIS-CHEE-VEE-US.   Well, that's not right.  The incorrect way that I say it sounds like a Beauty Pageant contestant.   It's actually MIS-CHE-VOUS.

REALTOR - I incorrectly give this 3-syllable word only 2 and say REAL-TOR.   Correctly spoken it should be RE-AL-TOR  (which I'm trying to say at right now and can't seem to get it)

Well, I'm sure there's lots more that those, but who could count them all?  I am realizing that I say a lot of words incorrectly.    Odds are.....I'll continue to do so, IRREGARDLESS (ha, ha) of knowing the correct way now.  



one word

Until next time.........

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