Sunday, July 14, 2013


Here's some fun for the day.......

TRIVIA:  (Answer at bottom)
What was the name of the very first Space Shuttle?

BRAIN TEASER:  (Answer at bottom)
What word in the English language is always spelled incorrectly?

Q:  What do you call a bear with no teeth?
A:  A gummy bear


Borrow money from a pessimist.   They don't expect it back.

Discontentment causes us to focus on what we want.  Contentment allows us to discover God's plan for us.


I was getting my hair cut and colored the other day and made some observations.   It's actually the same observation I make every time I get my hair done in a salon.   The majority of the people in a salon are usually women.  That's not the observation though.  My observation comes from listening to the conversations in the room.   It seems to me there's a high number of women that like to complain.   Maybe that's too big of a generalization, but this is something I noticed for years.   I may be wrong, and this may not be a popular opinion with 50% of the people out there (or however many women there are in the world)  but I feel like women grumble more than men do.  

Here's some of my experience from the other day that helped confirm what I've long thought.   The woman getting her hair done next to me had recently had some knee surgery.   The hairdresser asked how the husband was treating her as far as care taking.   First of all, that seems like a loaded question to me.   A question that is looking for a complaint.  How many men would ask another man how their wife has taking care of them after a surgery?   Anyway, the woman started saying how good her husband had been.   I was so excited.  She was praising her hubby.    It just seems that you don't hear that type of thing very often.   I feel like society, commercials and TV shows are more prevalent to husband/men-bashing than husband/men-praising.  ( I'll delve into the evolution of the portrayal of men in television shows in a future blog)  So I was thinking to myself, 'how nice.  She's saying something nice about her husband.  I love it.'   Well, as soon as that thought hit my brain, she went on to say 'maybe now he will appreciate all I do and realize how much I do.....yada yada....and on she went"   She basically turned it around to her and the short-lived praise became bashing.    Then I just rolled my eyes.  I wanted to grab her highlight foils out of her head and say 'why not just appreciate his help without turning it back to you?'

As I continued to listen to the chatter around me, I observed how a lot of women seem to want to change their men.   I've always had issues with this.    Here's my analogy for that mentality.    Let's say a woman goes to the store to get a polka dot dress.   That's what she wants.    She then proceeds to buy a striped dress and brings it home.    She knows full well she bought a striped dress, even though she wanted polka dots.   Regardless of that, she begins to complain to the striped dress nonstop about how it's not polka dots.    "Why can't you be more polka-dotted   Why do you have so many stripes??  I didn't want stripes.   I wanted polkadots."   

Well, she can gripe at that dress all day, but it's stripes, not polka dots.  She knew that when she bought it.   Why would she buy stripes and hope she could change them to polka dots??  There's not a lot of women that would do that with a dress, so why do so many try do that with their men?   That's just frustrating for everyone involved.     

For all of us, men and women, next time a complaint is about to surface, think of saying something encouraging instead.   In addition......for those of you girls out there on the quest for your future mate or for those of you that have daughters......think about the polkadot dress example.    Use as much common sense picking out your man as you would your dress....or shoes......or jeans..... 



Until next time........


  1. This is the first one of your blogs that I have read and it's a very good one. I agree so much about encouraging one another instead of tearing each other down. I think that women should be more like that with each other as well. Great goals to reach for.

    Also, I think most woman don't even realize that they are trying to change a man (I know I didn't use to). They(some)think they are helping. Of course there is a lot of psychology involved in why and how this develops but I love how you have shared this and it has been beneficial for me. I will be watching you from now on. I love this.

  2. Thanks Cheryl. I started writing this blog around March. It's almost always has the trivia and humor and such. The observation part is sometimes serious sometimes humorous. A mixture of things.

    You made a good point on women not tearing each other down too. Too much jealousy in the world. I also like your point of women not realizing they are trying to change the man. I hadn't thought of that but I think you are right.

    Thanks so much for your kind comments. : )
