Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Here's some fun for the day........

TRIVIA: (answer below)
What year was the first iPad released?

There is a very happy family, but within an hour, the little girl become's rich, the mom becomes poor and the father goes to jail.   What happened?

What hair color do they put down on the driver's license of a bald man?


Character paves the way to closeness with God.


I'm taking a look today at some Old Wives Tales and whether they are true or not.    An Old Wives Tales could be described as 'rules to live by' that have been passed on from generation to generation.   Mainly told by mothers to their children I believe.   They are assumed to be true.....but are they?    Let's take a look.

The following Old Wives Tales info comes from a Reader's Digest magazine from years ago.

OWT # 1:  Don't go outside with wet hair.   You'll get sick.

I know I heard this one growing up and followed it as well.   Just started diverging from this one recently.  

This one is FICTION

Getting chilled does not cause a cold.   Pardon me while I take a moment to wash my hair and run around the back yard.  Wheeeeeee.........

OWT# 2:  Foods with mayonnaise spoil faster

I'm back from running around the yard with wet hair.   I've heard this one about mayo as well and followed it too.   Let's see what they say.

This one is FICTION:

I'm surprised.   According to the article, when you turn your leftover chicken into chicken salad, the mayonnaise actually helps prevent spoilage because the mayonnaise is somewhat acidic.   I've always thought you had to keep mayonnaise cold too.    Apparently not.   Mayo isn't a dairy product, so it doesn't need to be treated like one.    Interesting.   I think I'll still keep it in the fridge though......maybe.

OWT # 3:  Feed a cold, starve a fever.

The original version of this was 'feed a cold, stave a fever'....stave (not starve) as in to prevent and keep at bay.    So.....

This one if FICTION:

Fasting will only weaken you when you should be preserving your strength.     Why don't you try eating chicken soup because.......

OWT # 4:  Chicken soup will help cure your cold.

Chicken soup always seemed to make me feel better.  So warm and comforting.

This one is FACT

It's not a cure, but it will help.  Scientists believe that a bowl of soup may reduce inflammation of the lungs.   It is thought that chicken soup slows down the activity of white blood cells that can cause inflammation.

OWT #5:  Over do it?   Have a little 'hair of the dog' that bit you.

16th century English dramatist John Heywood suggested that the best way to recover from a hangover is to have an another alcoholic drink.

This one is FICTION

This saying comes from a misguided notion from years ago that you could recover from a dog bite by plucking a hair from the dog that bit you and holding it to the wound.    That didn't work for wounds and neither does another drink work for a hangover.

OWT #6:  Wait 30 minutes before swimming after eating.

This one is always tough for kids, I remember it being tough for me.   You're at the pool all day, you're hungry, you want to eat lunch, but you don't want to have to wait 30 minutes before getting back into the pool.    Cheer up kids......

This one is FICTION

The belief was that blood going to your digestive tract after eating steals the blood needed to keep your arms and legs working during swimming.     According to a Duke study, the body does supply extra blood to aid in digestion, but not enough to affect the arms and legs.   The only thing you may get is a minor cramp in your arms and legs. So a burger and dive in.

OWT # 7:  Don't eat spicy foods if your prone to ulcers.

This one seems like it makes sense and would be true.   However....

This one is FICTION

In fact, there some evidence that suggest hot peppers contain a chemical called capsaicin which may actually help heal ulcers by stimulating blood flow to the wound.

OWT #8:  Fish is brain food.

My husband and I have been eating a lot of fish in the last year, so I'm excited to learn that.....

This one is FACT

The reason for this is the fish oils which contain omega-3 and omega-6.   These help the growth and functionality of the brain.    Looks like it also helps in tenderness of joints, Alzheimers and coronary heart disease.  Wow.   I think we all definitely need to go find Nemo, which isn't the best of news for him.    "Hey Nemo...could you pop over here for a minute......."

Poor Nemo.  Well, taking a look at those, it looks like we have more Old Wives Tales that are just that.....Tales and usually not the truth.   So go run outside with your hair wet today while eating a chicken salad sandwich and then jump in the pool.  In other words......Have Fun!


They are playing 'Monopoly'

Until next time...........


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