Sunday, August 25, 2013


Here's some fun for the day..............

TRIVIA:  (Answer below)
What type of gun was used to kill Abraham Lincoln?

BRAIN TEASER:  (Answer below)
What is once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in a thousand years?

What do you call a male Ladybug?


No matter what, keep your words positive because your words become your behavior.


Most every child has a comfort toy that they carry with them wherever they go.   These toys become their friends.   They are also there for 'security' at night when it's time to go to sleep and constant companions throughout the day. Many parents know the frantic feeling that comes with that moment when you can't find the comfort toy.   


My comfort toy was a stuffed dog that I named 'Pootsie'.    I remember first seeing Pootsie in the Sears & Roebuck catalog and picking her out for Christmas.  (Sear catalog will be a future post)   I was a huge dog lover and really wanted a dog, but we didn't have one.    Pootsie became my dog and my companion.   You can see in the pic that her feet are a bit rough.   That's because I walked her around our block all the time.    I was constantly making repairs on Pootsie's feet and sewing them together.  

I had a collar and a leash for her.   I remember saving up my money for a silver collar with jewels and a leash to match.   I had some way I was able to make it look like Pootsie was walking and I loved walking her around the block.     

                                                                (the 'real' Pootsie)

I eventually got a dog when I got out on my own.   Guess what I named her?   She was a little Yorkie named "Pootsie"  (of course).   That collar and leash that I used on my toy Pootsie became the 'real' Pootsie's first collar and leash.   

                                                               "REAL BABY"

My daughter's comfort toy was named "Real Baby".    Family friends gave us this Madame Alexander doll when she was born.   When our daughter got beyond infant stage, 'real baby' (named by her) became a constant companion.   The sweet thing was looking in our daughter's room at night and watching her rub the lace on real baby's dress to fall asleep.   She had this priceless way of rubbing the lace that, as you can see in the pic, wore the lace and the dress down.    I was alway nervous about taking Real Baby on trips with us and out and about because losing her would have been quite the sad ordeal.   Just like with Pootsie, repairs were made on Real Baby and the dress was sewn frequently.   

Eventually I got this 'bright idea' to get another baby that looked just like Real Baby and try to get our daughter to carry it around instead.    Silly idea and I can't believe I thought that would fly.    The new baby was called "Blue Baby" because she only differed in dress color.    You can see in the pic by the skin and dress just how much Real Baby was loved on and how Blue Baby was never really accepted.  

                                               (our daughter having breakfast with Real Baby)

Pootsie and Real Baby may be old and worn, but the comfort and special memories they bring will last a lifetime.    Take a moment today and think back on that comfort toy that was special to you or to your child.   

A derringer

The letter 'M'.

Until next time...........

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