Sunday, October 20, 2013


Here's some fun for the day...........

TRIVIA:  (Answer below)
What city is known as 'The Icebox of the United States'?


If you cross out all unnecessary letters in the above string of letters, a logical sentence will remain. Can you read it?


Q:  What animal can jumper higher than a house?
A:  Any animal.   A house can't jump.

How come we choose from just two people for President and fifty for Miss America?


The one who benefits the most from forgiveness is the one who grants it, not the one who receives it.


Trick-or-Treat will soon be upon us, so I'm taking a look today at Halloween costumes and memories that go along with them.

Back in the 70's there wasn't a lot to choose from.    The costumes were masks with a plastic, generic outfit to go with them.    If you didn't come up with your own costume from home, odds are you were going to look like several of your fellow trick-or-treaters because there wasn't a lot of designs to choose from with the plastic costumes.   I can remember Cinderella/Princess (most of the girls' favorite), a devil, a witch, a clown, a skeleton and Frankenstein.   (Sylvester the Cat came along later with Tweety Bird and some others )  These costumes were very generic and the mask was uncomfortable.   I remember breathing in the mask and feeling like I was having a facial steam.   I also remember how our voices sounded trying to talk through them.   Then you'd try to move the mask so someone could hear you and it would snap back on your face.   

Eventually I had enough of these type of costumes and started wearing costumes I could put together out of stuff from home.   My standard was a Gypsy so I could wear my Mom's jewelry.   Here's a pic of my Gypsy costume with my brother in the middle as a devil (face makeup looking like a clown though) and my cousin and some neighbors.   I don't look particularly thrilled.

I grew to love costumes and 'making up my face' so to speak.   As I got older I would look for costume excuses so I could dress up for more than just Halloween.    I started having "Oscar" parties and "Miss America" parties that aided in this.   Also, our church drama team gave me lots of costume opportunities as well.

(playing Phyllis Diller for a church dinner theater)

(Oscar party with friends as Capt Hook.  They're Peter Pan & Wendy)

(beach bum for a choir beach party)

My daughter and husband do not share my love of costumes.   When my daughter was little and didn't have much of a say, I would do elaborate makeups and costumes for her.   Here's one of her early costumes.  She's not looking thrilled with the make up.

My daughter's birthday parties were more opportunities to wear costumes.

(Beauty and the Beast)

(Cruella DeVille and Perdita the Dalmatian)

(at a friend's party as Jafar and Jasmine from Aladdin) 

Eventually, she told me she didn't want costumes where there was anything (makeup or mask) on her face.   I was crushed.    One year she wore a costume that was basically nothing but a sign that said  'If you are wondering what I am I don't know.  Maybe a rockstar'.

(my daughter and the 'sign' costume with my nieces)

My husband wears a shirt that says 'Costume', so I am truly outnumbered here.

(my husband & I at our church Fall Festival.  I was Mr. Mint for the Candyland booth.  He wore his regular outfit)

Some people are into costumes and some are not, but it sure is fun to see all the creativity at Fall Festivals and Trick-or-Treat time.     Here's a few more.   There's no way to include them all, it would take me too long to find the pics and there's been so many.    

(my friend Jane and I as Zombies from Michael Jackson's "Thriller)

(me as Capt. Jack Sparrow.  Probably one of my favorite costumes)

As I think back to all the costumes I've worn over the years, most of them are put together from things I have at home.   I think it all goes back to that Gypsy costume and when I said 'no more plastic costumes!'

Here's to costumes and all the fun memories they bring.  : )

International Falls, Minnesota

If you cross out the letters in ALL UNNECESSARY LETTERS,  then the remaining letters will spell A LOGICAL SENTENCE

Until next time..........


  1. Trish, you amaze me!! You had told us about the Jack Sparrow costume. It waqs great to see it-very realistic!

    David L

  2. Love the Thriller Zombies!!

    Rick S.

  3. Tricia you really bring back the memories. It gives me the lift I need. That was always one favorite holiday for you. It was always fun how both of my children got into it. Love you Mom
