Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Here's some fun for the day...........

TRIVIA:  (Answer below)
For what Latin number is October named?

Mr. Smith has 4 daughters.   Each of his daughters has a brother.   How many children does Mr. Smith have?

Q:  What type of music does grass hate?
A:  Mow-town

Can a cross-eyed teacher control her pupils?



God is bigger than any storm we face.  Focus on Him and He'll give you strength to get through the storms in life victoriously.


It's that time of year where the leaves are turning and there's a nip in the air.   Good ole' Fall.   I love it and it's my favorite season.    I thought I'd take a look today at some classic Trick-or-Treat candy.   When I say it's the top 9, I mean the top 9 for me when I was a kid.    My tastes were a bit different than the other kids.    I've never been a big chocolate fan, so I loved when I would get something other than chocolate in my bag.

Trick-or-Treat back in the 70's was classic.    I really loved going house-to-house and running around outside in the cold air.    The outside house-to-house thing is slowly fading and I'm glad that it was the norm for my day.    

My brother and I would get so excited to run around the neighborhood.   There was actually one neighbor who worked for Nabisco and each kid would get an entire package of Oreo cookies.  That was quite the popular house.    

Once we were done running around the neighborhood, we would go to our rooms and dump out our bags and see what we got.   I loved when I got the  non-chocolate items. These days, when I donate candy to our church Fall Festival, I purposely donate bubble gum or something other than those mini-chocolate bars.   Mini chocolate ho hum.    There's plenty of those to go around, so here's to the other candies.    

Here is my list of my favorite candies that would be in my trick-or-treat bag.   

1.  Mini-Chicklets.

These were my ultimate favorite because I loved the mini package.   It seems that the special 2-piece chicklet box only came out around Halloween.   I loved them and was most excited to see these.   Funny thing is, someone could have put an entire regular size box of Chicklets in my bag and I would have preferred the 2-piece one.

2.   Dubble Bubble

A very close second to the Mini-Chicklets.   Ahh....the smell and taste of Dubble Bubble.   I can't seem to find the Mini-Chicklets anymore, so my regular donation to our church Fall Festival is a couple packages of Dubble Bubble.

3.   Sixlets

Ok, so this breaks my chocolate rule, I know.   But the candy coating was a bit stronger than the chocolate.   I also liked them because it seemed to be another candy that I only saw at Halloween and so that made them extra special.

4.  Wax Coke Bottles

Yep, I liked 'em.   Not sure why.   It was just kind of fun to bite off the top waxy part of the coke bottle and then drink the liquid that had most likely been in there for 8 years. 

5.   Wax Lips

As long as we're talking about the wax stuff.    These were always fun.   My brother and I would crack up when we'd put them on.   Creepy little me always preferred the vampire ones.    You were supposed to be able to eat them, which I tried, but they were pretty gross.  

6.  Mary Janes

Yummage.   This picture is the one of the Mary Janes I remember.   The ones that would show up in my bag.   These days they are packaged in black and orange wrappers.   Love the peanut butter flavor.   I also like spreading them apart before I eat them to see the peanut butter in the middle.    These were originally made in 1914 back when Mary Jane was just a cute little girl and not a weed people smoked.  

7.  Bit-O-Honey.

I loved these too and the small packaging that came out at Halloween.   Good ole almond bits embedded in honey flavored taffy.   I'm starting to get hungry and think I may have to go get me some of these candies.   Bit-O-Honey came out in 1924.   For some reason, I loved saying the name of this candy when I was a kid.    I loved the 'f' being left off of 'of' and saying the 'o' instead.   It the little things in life that thrill you.

8.   Mild Duds

Yes, this also breaks my chocolate rule, but the caramel was stronger than the chocolate.   I kind of had a thing for candy that rips out your fillings.    I loved the small boxes that came out at Halloween.    I obviously had a thing for mini-versions of regular stuff.

9.   Eyeball Gum

Yes, I was just a tad strange.   Really, this eyeball gum should be ranked higher because I would get very excited when I saw it.  ( I guess it saw me too)   Definitely should be higher than the Milk Duds but I'm too lazy to change that right now.    If was great if I got at least two, then I could run around the house holding them up to my eyes and being all bug-eyed.  When the Fall Festivals first started at our church, I went to buy candy and almost bought the eyeball gum.   I started to think maybe that's not the best choice.  But......I did buy it and many of the things above for our house.    

So here's the deal kids......if you want something other than mini-chocolate bars......the Beard house is the place to visit.    You'll know us......we're the ones all lit up for Trick-or-Treat.    ( let's all pause for a moment and 'boo' the houses that turn their porch lights off and hide out from the Trick-or-Treaters.   That's what my brother and I would do back in the day when we would pass those houses)   

So, there's my list of 9 classic Trick-or-Treat candies.    Do you have a 10th??

'Octo'  which means eight.    Before Julius Caesar, October was the eighth month not the tenth.

5.   Each daughter has the same brother.

Until next time.........

1 comment:

  1. Those memories seem only yesterday. You and Trent always wanted to beat each on getting the most candy. Loved it all. Your pictures are great. Lov u Mom
