Sunday, October 13, 2013


Here's some fun for the day........

TRIVIA:  (Answer below)
What is the world's smallest continent?

BRAIN TEASER: (answer below)
You have 2 normal U.S. coins that add up to 35 cents.   One of the coins is not a 
quarter.   How is this possible?

Q:  What happens when two potatoes get married?
A:   They have tater tots.

Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs?   Rabbits don't lay eggs.


During difficulties confidently continue to praise God.  Then, wait to see how He makes all things work together for good.


I was taking a picture of my dog the other day and it got me thinking about how cameras have changed over the years. 

  (here's the pic.  I call it 'Maddie watching the world go by')

I may have to do an 'evolution of cameras through time' post in the future.   Could be interesting.    It's definitely much easier for a non-camera buff like me to take pictures these days.  I just hold up my phone and 'presto', I can take a pic.   I don't have to worry about film or a flash bulb.   

As I focused in on Maddie (my dog) I was reminded of something I read in a Mark Batterson book called "Primal".    He talked about what he called a 'focusing illusion'.    

In our daily lives, do we focus more on what we have or what we don't have?    It's a good question to ask ourselves. Depending on our answer to that question, we either have more gratitude in our lives or more greed.   It depends on our focus.    

If I was plopped down in the middle of the Mall right now, I could look around and see lots of things I want.  I could easily fall into a greedy perspective.  Similarly  if I was plopped down in the middle of a third world country right now, my perspective would be completely different.   I would be much more aware of how many blessings I have.   I would begin to focus more on my gratitude.  The tricky part for us is keeping that gratitude perspective each day.  It's easy to lose it when we lose our focus.   

Here's a few questions from the book that may help in regards to finding out where your own focus lies.   They're good questions for each of us to ask ourselves on a regular basis. 


Are you focused on what you have or what you don't have? (that is the difference between gratitude and greed)

Are you focused on this life or the next?  ( that is the difference between stinginess and generosity)

Are you focused on your wants or other's needs  (that is the difference between selfishness and compassion.   It's also the difference between unhappiness and joy)

I would add another question to the mix.   One I try to be mindful of and keep in check.  

Are you focusing on the positive in your life or the negative?

I know many people are going through some pretty rough stuff and it's difficult to find the positive.   But it is there.  You have to be intentional in making sure you don't lose your focus in that regard.   

There is something you are blessed with in life that you may be taking for granted.   

What are we taking for granted?  It could be health, could be family, or it could be something as simple as being able to get in car and drive across town.   There's plenty of people in the world that can't do that for a variety of reasons.  Maybe they are too sick.  Maybe they are financially unable to do that.    You have blessings.   Be purposeful about identifying them.     

Mark Batterson makes this point in his book:

As your focus changes, your perspective changes.    As your perspective changes, your life will change.    You might find yourself in the same circumstances, but your heart will change.    A change in heart will change your motivations and your expectations.

Your focus determines your reality.

Take a moment today to ask yourself:   Where are you pointing your 'camera'?  In other words.......

Where is your focus?

When you focus on your wants, enough is never enough.   When you focus on eternity, you have everything you need.

Romans 10: 9
If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.


You have a dime and a quarter.  ( one of the coins is not a quarter.  The dime is not a quarter)

Until next time..........

1 comment:

  1. Very good Tricia - you make us all think Love u Mom
