Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Here's some fun for the day…….

What fort did Benedict Arnold promise to surrender to the British in return for money?

What invention lets you look right through a wall?

Q:  Do moths cry?
A:  Yes, haven't you ever seen a mothball?

God is here, doing His job, supplying just what we need exactly when we need it.


I've been traveling a lot this summer and haven't had the time to post as regularly.  I finally had a bit of time and thought I'd share about a book I've been reading.  The book is called "Beautiful Outlaw" by John Eldridge.   It's a really good book that looks into the personality of Jesus.   When I think of the various artistic portrayals of Jesus, he's rarely smiling and usually has his hands in an odd, stiff pose.   That's a bit standoffish looking and not a good portrayal of the personality of Jesus.   The author mentions that reading the Gospels without knowing the personality of Jesus is like watching television with the sound turned off.   The effect is a dry, two-dimensional character.   This book takes a good look through Scripture to reveal what a fun, loving, playful and generous person Jesus was and is.  

There's lots of good parts to the book. A section I read recently was called 'First Things First".   It's a look into how we can often think that service for Jesus is the same thing as a relationship with him.  Eldridge compares this to having a friend that washes your car and cleans your house but never goes anywhere with you.   They're a 'faithful' friend, but you never talk.  It's not much of a relationship.

This resonated with me because I think it's very easy for people, me included, to get caught up in church to the point that you almost forget the main reason why you're there.   You're so busy doing things that you forget it's not about the church……it's about God….it's about Jesus.    Don't get me wrong, serving is great and necessary, just don't forget the main thing…..the main love……don't forget about God and fostering the relationship with Him.    I think back to the frustration Jesus had with the Pharisees.   They were so caught up in the rules and regulations of religion that they forgot the whole point.  They forgot what God is really about.

An interesting thing that Eldridge says in this part of the book is this:

"…. people most devoted to the work of the Lord actually spend the least amount of time with Him.   First things first.   Love Jesus."


West Point

a window

Until next time…...

1 comment:

  1. Excellent ideas, Trish. It is so easy to get caught up in "doing" for Him, that we forget to worship Him. OR we think all we need to do is worship and don't DO anything to show how great His love is--not just for me, but for others who have not heard. Thanks for the post.
