Sunday, March 17, 2013


Fabulous Forgetfulness

Here's some fun for the day....

TRIVIA: (Answer at bottom)
What is tattooed on on Popeye's arm?

PHRASE FUN:  (what phrase is represented by the following?  Answer below)



Q:  Why did Cinderella get kicked off the softball team?
A:  Because she ran away from the ball.

“I remember when the candle shop burned down.  Everyone stood  around singing ‘Happy Birthday’”
(Jack Handey)


Prayer is less about changing our circumstances and more about changing our perspective.


I thought I’d write something about forgetfulness...but sadly I forgot what I was going to say.   Haha.   

Do you find that with time you are increasingly more forgetful?  I sure do.  I think technology is part of the problem.  Ok, maybe age has a part to play too.   Technology has spoiled me though.   When I was a kid, I had to actually remember something I planned to do in the future.   Eventually I had to start writing things down and making a list.  Now I just put it in my iPhone and it reminds me.  Awfully nice of my iPhone to do that for me. 

I have a great app called “Alarmed” and I’d be lost without it.  Either lost or possibly standing in the middle of the grocery store wondering where I was supposed to go next.  If there’s anything I need to do, I put it in my app.   Here’s the sad part.   Half the time I forget what it is I’m going to put in the phone before I get to the phone.   It’s about a 1/2 minute interval from my mind to the phone and I still forget?  So I guess I need a mind-reading app that reads only my thoughts on what I need to be reminded of.   Then, the second I think of something, this magical app puts it in my phone before I forget it.  Now that would be great.   

My other problem is that I have way too many reminders in my phone.    They go off now about every hour with a new one.   So now I'm so accustomed to them going off that I ignore them.   My "Alarmed" app always has a bunch of numbers showing on the outside.   Like '12' reminders waiting for me.   Then I forget to look at them.   So, I'm thinking it's time to go back to the paper list that I can see.   It feels nice to scratch something off a list anyway.   I like seeing that line through something as opposed to checking it off the phone and it disappearing.

So, why did I title this entry Fabulous Forgetfulness?   Well, I don’t remember.   I guess there’s some things that might be fabulous to forget.  You know, like.......dang it......I forgot.

An Anchor


I understand

Until next time.......

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