Monday, March 18, 2013


TRIVIA:  (Answer below)
What building first appeared on the back of a $20 bill in 1928?

JOKE: (in honor of the forgetfulness blog of yesterday)
A patient walks into the doctor's office and says:
"Doctor, I have a serious memory problem."  
The doctor asked, 'When did it start?'   
The man replied, "When did what start?"
(Thanks to Jane Zaluski for today's joke)

It’s our past problems that prepare us for future opportunities.

“What would men be without women?  Scarce sir.....mighty scarce.”
Mark Twain

So, a lot of people have various superstitions.  There’s so many:  Broken mirrors, walking under a ladder, opening an umbrella indoors....just to name a few.  When I was a kid, I would never step on a crack when walking on a sidewalk (didn’t want to break my mother’s back) and I had a thing about crossing a black cat’s path.   Didn’t want to do it.....bad luck.   Thankfully, I’m no longer superstitious, but I did ponder on this the other day.  I was driving in our neighborhood & had to stop for a black & white cat to cross the road.   So what does it mean if I cross a black & white cat’s path?  Moderate luck?  Good & bad luck?  Could it mean that I’ll find a coupon at the grocery.....that would be good luck.  But then it will be that’s bad luck.   Maybe it means I’ll finally win a radio call-in contest....that’s good luck. But the prize will be a year’s supply of Chick-o-sticks....that’s some pretty bad luck.   If you don’t know what a Chick-O-Stick is, google it.   It’s a gross looking candy that I’ve yet to ever seen anyone buy in my entire life.   I used to think it was chicken flavored, but it’s not.   Who’s eating these things?   Inquiring minds.....or maybe superstitious minds want to know.  (ok, so now the Elvis song “Superstitious Minds” will be stuck in my head the rest of the day)

The White House

Until next time....

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