Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Got Patience??

Here’s some fun for the day.......

Who became the first person to become a billionaire for writing books?

Q:  What did the traffic light say to the car?
A:  Don't look, I'm changing.

“Better to be patient on the road than a patient in the hospital.”

A person without conviction is at the mercy of circumstances.  If you don’t determine what’s important, other people will determine it for you

Do you know any ImP’s?  (rhymes with ‘chimp’)  An ImP is my made-up nickname for an Impatient Person.   There’s all type of areas to talk about in regards to patience.    As my Hub likes to say “I’ve got plenty of patience because I’ve never used any”.   Today, I’m looking at the impatience of drivers and what I’d like to call an “Impy Second”   This deals with traffic lights and when the light turns red.   There’s lots of Imp’s that completely run the red lights.  Since there are so many red light runners, I tend to pause a second before going when my light turns green.   An ‘ImPy Second’ is that minuscule amount of time between that moment the light turns green & the moment the person behind you honks their horn.   An “Impy Second” is quicker than a regular second and almost impossible to measure.   Next time you’re at a light and it turns green, pause for a moment and then try to measure how long it takes to hear the horn.   If it’s under 1 second, it’s an "ImPy Second" & there’s an ImP behind you.  If you’re the one honking....well.......  

J.K. Rowling

Until next time....

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